The Letter

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I'm writing you this on the day December 10th, the day I gave you this house. I need to explain some things to you, but I worry that, with all the bustling about with the talent show, I won't have time to tell you.

Firstly, I am overjoyed. I am overjoyed to have you in my life, and I'm overjoyed to have gotten to know you. I couldn't be happier than I am right now. However, there are ups and downs to my feelings, an up being that I am madly, hopelessly in love with you. A down, being that I can do absolutely nothing about it.

Being a genie, we have certain rules that we're expected to follow. These expectations are held by superiors unknown to me. We are not allowed to harm someone. We are not allowed to make someone rich. And, most importantly, we are not allowed to love someone. That being said, though, there is, or was, one thing you could (have) do(ne). The one way to break me permanently of these spells is to, frankly, kiss me.

I would never ask you to force upon yourself those feelings or to force yourself to do this for me, but even if you did force yourself, it wouldn't matter, because, as corny as it sounds, the kiss can only break these binds if it were to be pure, true, whole.

I know you're going to make your third wish on this cruise, if we win it. I can feel it coming. The only other way to break these binds is to wish me free, and since I know you have much better things to wish for, I don't expect that, I just hope you don't waste your wish. Please.

I am using this letter to express to you what meeting you has been like. When I got the summons, it was my first, and I didn't really know what I was doing. All my life, I just wanted a friend, someone to talk to. I was sent down to your apartment, and when you screamed and hid from me, it was terrifying. I only prayed it wasn't because I wasn't appealing.

Your hatred and fear towards me was much easier to handle after that. With my smart attitude, I was able to deal with it. But I knew, after that night, I couldn't let you go, whether I wanted to or not.

That's why, day after day, I went out of my way to ensure your safety. Even though you thought I was a stalker, I watched over you to make sure no one hurt you. And I wasn't joking when I mentioned killing Dean for you. I would have if it weren't against my morals or the rules.

But Allie, please promise me this. Promise me that, when I'm gone, you'll go out of your way to make yourself happy. I don't know what this friendship will blossom into in the coming month, but I do hope it's something that comes close to your beauty, your purity, your wholesomeness. I do, however, know that when I have to leave your side-and oh, how I dread that day-I will have something that I can relive in my mind every day, knowing that the memory of you will never fade so long as I exist.

I love you, Allie, and that will never change, whether we're together or apart."

The Little Blue PitcherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon