Silence is where it's the Loudest

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I made sure he was gone before grabbing my backpack and exiting my house through my window. I made it out just as Dean and a girl were entering the house, and I was thankful they didn't see me. I continued to walk, trying to calm down from my encounter with that guy. Not only was my adrenaline going, but I had way too many questions buzzing around in my head.

It was dark out, and getting mugged was starting to climb my list of things to worry about. I knew my destination wasn't far away, so I decided to hustle the rest of the way there. 

When I got to the dance studio, I unlocked the doors with my key, since it was closed. I hurried inside and locked the doors after me, so no one would be able to get in. I relaxed once I turned some of the lights on. Shrugging off my sweater and backpack, I had only a tank top and leggings on, which was perfect for dance practice.

I went through my routine, trying to add new things in the mix that I had already concocted, but it was too difficult to find anything that felt right. It felt like I had writer's block but for dancers, and nothing that I did felt good. I sat down, feeling frustrated and angry.

"I can't do doesn't feel right..." I cried, laying my back on the freezing floor. It was December and I was in a tank top, so it was pretty damn cold.

The silence seemed to burn more insecurities in me. I felt them sear my arms, nip at my ears, and eat away at my brain. My heart shuddered at every word they spoke, cracking every time they told me that I wasn't good enough. I felt hopeless. A tear broke free from my struggles to hold it in and escaped down my cheek and into my hair.

"I thought it was beautiful." a husky voice hummed from the shadows, revealing itself to be, you guessed it, the weirdo from before. I jumped up, wiping my tears quickly and putting myself back together.

"Are you serious? When don't you know where I am?" I whined, flailing my arms in frustration. I combed a hand through my hair, fluffing it up at the back. "Sorry if I seem a little creepy, Allie."

"Oh, a little?" I scoffed sarcastically. Was this guy serious right now? The guy was about to say something, but my phone went off, interrupting him.

Dean: Get home right now.

I groaned, already knowing what he was going to have me do. I put my phone away and looked up at the guy. I stormed up to him angrily. When I was up and close to him, the top of my head barely touched his chin. I pointed a finger in his face, growling, "You better not follow me home, or I swear I'll break that sly smile of yours." He raised his eyebrows in surprise and his smile widened as he nodded his head slowly. I put my jacket on and slung my backpack around one arm, running out of the building. This was going to be one long night. As if it wasn't already.

The Little Blue PitcherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora