Duties Being Done

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I walked through the door of the three-bedroom, two-bathroom house in which I resided. I wrote another article about the light-hearted activities that happen in pubs as I ate my dinner, wishing that I had an extra day to visit the Stained Beards in Inverness.

I got up after eating and went to my bedroom, setting my suitcases by the wall under the window and laying on my bed. It was pretty late, and I was starting to tire. I figured I could just go to sleep, so I turned over on my side and closed my eyes.

I slept for about fifteen seconds until my eyes shot open at the sound of the toilet flushing in the bathroom in my room. I rolled off my bed and onto the floor, grabbing my bat as I landed almost silently. I peeked out over the side of my bed and saw the guy from before, washing his hands in my sink. I felt so vulnerable; he followed me home...

Just as I was about to sneak to one side of the wall, he called me out, "I know you're there, Allie. You can come on out." He had a smile on his face that made me want to punch him.

"Do not call me Allie." I quickly said; no one was allowed to call me that. Ever. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I offend you?" he cooed, drying his hands on a towel.

I slumped down to sit on the floor, banging my head on the mattress in frustration. "Why do you keep following me...what do you want..." I whined, on the brink of tears. He strolled calmly over to me but I stopped him when he neared the bed. He held his hands up as to surrender. "I told you, I am answering your summons, and I won't be leaving until my duty is done."

"You just did your duty in my bathroom, which you were not invited into! How did you get rid of the cops anyway-you know what, never mind. I don't want to know." I complained, finding myself rambling. While I spoke, his crystal blue eyes watched me with the most entertained look I've ever seen in a person. It was unnerving.

"Well, Missy, I don't know what else to tell you other than you might as well get to know me because I'm going to be here for a while." He cooed, walking the remainder of the way to me and crouching down in front of me. He smelled sharp, like pine or something irresistibly fresh.

Just then, I got a text message.

Dean: Going to be home in three minutes.

Great timing, Dean... I thought to myself as I read the message from my boyfriend. I really didn't want to see who he was bringing home this time or what they were going to do, so I made it my goal to get this weirdo out of my house as soon as I could so I could make my escape after.

"Get out or you'll be getting to know the cops pretty well. Don't think I won't call them again." I threatened, shooting daggers into his eyes. He rose his hands slowly, holding them up as if to surrender, then he got up slowly and backed out of the house, opening the door. "See you soon, Allison." he said with a smile, before walking out of the house.

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