Better than a Pool

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Neither of us knew how to react. I looked at him, mouth agape, and jumped up to hug him tightly, him catching me in air and holding me to him tightly. We had to release each other to get our prize, shaking the woman's hand and thanking her, and thanking the judges as we walked offstage.

We got a cab home and once we got home, I dropped everything on the couch and jumped on Orion, tying my legs around his waist and wrapping my arms around his neck. He laughed and rubbed my back, holding me tightly to make sure I didn't fall.

I giggled, nuzzling my cold nose into his neck. "I'm glad we could make this moment," Orion hummed in my ear, genuinely happy. I could see all the stress was relieved from his face. I smiled, nodding my head into his.

When he pulled back, our arms still wrapped tightly around each other, his smile faded slowly, and I was trapped in his eyes again. They seemed darker than other days, with an emotion I couldn't quite read, no matter how hard I tried to get him to give me a sign as to what it was.

He just stared into my soul. He seemed to be trying to excavate any emotion he could find, and I was trying hard to keep them down. Then, I made the mistake of breaking our gaze and looking at his lips.

They tempted me so, being slightly parted. I couldn't help but bite my lip in resistance, but when I glanced back up, Orion was staring at my lips. I took this chance to jump off him before I pushed him too far, assuming he wasn't comfortable with kissing.

He asked why I had broken away, and I responded lamely, saying that I was hungry and wanted to make us sandwiches before we had to pack, considering our trip was in a week. I liked to pack early.

We ate and then I started packing, but he just sat on my bed, watching me with a smile. "Can I help you?" I asked with a sarcastic attitude, chuckling after. He shook his head, looking around my room. "Where are you going to put your trophy?"

"I'm not sure where I'm going to put our trophy, Orion. Maybe you can help me when we come back from the cruise." I smirked, raising an eyebrow. I slid the large check under my bed, and laid the trophy on the bed. He smiled at it.

Once we were done packing, we walked around my land, deciding to see for the first time to check it out. I hoped I was right when I imagined what we would see at the end, but Orion was successful in keeping me distracted as we made our long walk out there. When we neared, however, I squealed in excitement.

There was a beautiful little forest, with a river that ended up being a mini waterfall to this cute little pond that was at least seven feet deep. I smiled at Orion and ran over to the pond, putting my hand in the water, feeling its warmth.

I didn't waste time in stripping myself of my sweater and pants. "Whoa, what are you doing?" Orion asked worriedly. "What do you mean, what am I doing? I'm going swimming! Are you coming?" I asked, hoping to god he said yes.

He said nothing, but taking off his sweater was an even better response. His body was set aglow in the moonlight, revealing stunning abs and a muscular body. I almost drooled at the sight, but I shook my head and, after he'd taken off his jeans, pushed him in the water. He went under, and once he'd popped his head up, gave me a devilish look before grabbing my ankles and dragging me in the water as well.

I popped my head up from under water and shuddered at how warm it was. It was amazing. "Oh my lord, we need to come out here more often!" I squealed, flinging my arms around Orion. His arms were soon laced around my waist, and he was soon laying me on his body while we floated around in the water, looking up at the stars again.

After a while of doing that, I slid off his body, wishing to submerge myself fully in the water for a little while. I just laid under water in peace, not worrying about my air supply or anything. I had my eyes closed, and I felt as if I could drift off to sleep any moment...

And the next thing I knew, I was laying on my bed, in my underwear and bra, and Orion was straddling me. 

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