Chapter Eleven - Why Don't You Come See Yourself??

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“That’s so true… And you were the fish!!” She replies smirking.

“Huh? What do you mean” I ask her confuse.

“Think about it yourself…” She says again in a mocking tone.

I sigh lightly.

“So… Have you had dinner?” She asks me.

“What?” I ask back thinking I heard her wrong.

“Nevermind, where do you live anyway?” She replies not looking away from the street.

“Uhh… I live in an apartment a few blocks over… And to answer your question, no I haven’t had dinner yet.”

I turn and see the corner of her lips curl up slightly in a little smile.

“Well I haven’t either…” She says in a normal tone.

“Uhh… Do you want to like… Eat?” I ask her confused with the whole situation but hoping she’d say yes so I can stay with her a while longer.

“Hmm…” She mumbles for a second not replying me.

“Hmm?” I press her on.

“I probably shouldn’t…” She says mulling it over.

“You probably shouldn’t eat dinner?? You’re dieting or something?” I smirk teasing her.

She laughs heartedly, how I love that laugh.

“Do you think I need to diet?” She asks me still chuckling.

“Uhh… Is that like a trick question?” I ask her unsure.

She laughs some more.

“You’re funny Cassandra… I like you…” She smirks.

I blush hearing her saying she likes me.

Calm your butt down Cassandra!! It’s not like she likes you that way! Stop getting ahead of yourself already!


“Well you’re cool enough I guess… For a teacher…” I shrug lightly slumping against the car seat lightly.

“Hmm…” She mumbles lightly as she keeps driving.

The rest of the way is spent in silence.

I mean I wanted to try make a conversation, but the only thing I could think of is ‘she likes me’ and that’s definitely not something good to talk about with your high school English teacher.

[DISCONTINUED] What A Tease: How We First Met [girlxgirl] (TeacherxStudent)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz