mmiissttiicc's Question!!!

120 4 4

mmiissttiicc asked:

Bluey, how old are you? Do you know what your lucky number is? If so, what is it? Mine is 3. :3

Bluey: I'm *Holds up eight fingers* this many old! Any my lucky number is....4!

Red: Yeah cause you're a little sh*t and that has 4 letters. *Smirks and looks down at Bluey*

Bluey: Yeah, but f*ck you is also a four letter word~!

Red: Where did you learn that!?!

Bluey: From the worst...his name is a color. Oh yeah! He's my brother, Red! :3

Red: *Snarls*

Ryan: Red! Stop growling at your little brother!

Red:But he was the one who swore! And said f*ck you!

Ryan:*Rolls eyes* Why would a cute little fella like Bluey swear? *Picks up Bluey*

Bluey: *Sticks his tongue out at Red, then stops when Ryan looks*

Ryan: Besides he probably said it on accident because he doesn't even know what it means! He's only 8, and I wonder WHO he learned that word from, hm, Red.

Red: Um...y-yeah...

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