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Nick: Hey Guys! Sense we didn't get ANY questions the Author has some questions for us!

Ryan: OK then thanks Nick! I'll read the questions

Velociraptor30(Author~Chan) asked and dared: #1:Hey Peeps! So Ryan do you have a crush? And if so I dare you to TELL US! #2: This is for everybody(Even Red) Cats or dogs?  ~Velociraptor30

Ummm *Blushes*

AK: Soooo Ryan do you have a crush??? Who is it? 

Ryan: (0//////0)Ummm.....N-n-no I d-d-don't ha-a-ave a cr-cr-crush! *Hides face in hood of his red hoodie and blushes like a tomato*

Shark:Aww does my little bro have a crush?

Ryan: N-n-no!*Blushes even more*

Sky(Adam): Com'n you can tell us we're your friends! Well most of us.....

Barney: Please! Dirt is right we're your friends you can tell us!

Ryan: F-f-fine! I d-d-do ha-a-ave a cr-cr-crush, OK? A-and I w-w-won't tell wh-who it i-is!

Ghetto: Aww come on! I really wanted to know!

Nick: We ALL wanted to know, Ghetto..... Well not Red, of course.

Red: You kiddin' me?! I wanted to know! So Ryan...Who's your crush? *Scoots over toward Ryan*

Ryan: (.//////////.) *Blushes even redder than a tomato when Red scooted over*

AK, Shark, and Ghetto: OOOOH!

Ghetto: OOO! He likes you, Red!

Nick: STOP! Let's do the next question....I like cats

Shark: Dogs

Ghetto: Dogs

Red: Cats

AK: Dogs

Sky(Adam): CATS!

Ryan: Cats

Barney: DOGS!!!

Dr. Jin: I like cats


Dr. Jin: Cats are more quiet, smaller, and more soft. Besides I have a cat already.

Ryan: W-w-well guys t-that was our f-f-first questions and d-dare! Comment d-d-down bel-l-low a q-q-question o-or da-are! BYE!!! (In the back round- Ghetto and AK: TELL US WHO YOU LIKE, RYAN!!!)


So what do you Peeps think of this so far? Good, bad, in the middle? Tell me in the comments below! The reason I asked a question and dare was because I haven't gotten any questions or dares. PLEASE write in the comments below some questions and dares for these guys! I really need them so PLEASE! Well I have one question for you Peeps, should or should I not do a face reveal? I don't have a clue so I want you Peeps to tell me in the comments below!!!(YAY MORE STUFF IN THE COMMENTS BELOW!) Thanks so much for putting up with me! That's all for today! Bye-bye Peeps!


Ask The Crafting Dead Series! (FINISHED, LOOK FOR PART 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora