Little Baby Ryan?!?!?!

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A/N: Sorry for no updates recently, life has been a butt to me and I HAD writers block. This Dare/Question was thought up by me! No one gave me the idea except me myself and I! Hope you enjoy!


*Everyone Le gasps*

Keona: Who is it for? And WHO SENT IT!?

Author~Senpai: ME! So Cory would you be a dear and tell them it?!

Cory: Sure!

Velociraptor Ask/dares: #1 Who is top and who is bottom in the relationships? And I dare all the bottoms to be lil' kawaii kids! I will determine how old they will be when we find out!

Couple, Ghetto and Nick: 

Ghetto: I'M TOP!!

Nick: I-I'm bottom *Blushes*

Couple, AK and Shark:

Shark: I'm bottom


Couple, Red and Ryan: 

(You should be able to guess this one)

Red: I'm Alpha and Little Ry-guy here is Omega.

Ryan: *Face is as bright as a Christmas covered in lights*

Couple, Uni and Cory:

Uni: I'm t-the bottom. *Looks to the side blushing*

Cory: I'm top *Snuggles with Uni*

Author~Senpai: OK I know what I'm working with now. OK! SO, Nick is 10, Shark is 9, Uni is 5 and Ryan is also 5. This is also important, They'll look the same as now just smaller, and their voices may or may not get more higher and more childish.

*Does the spells* 

Uni, Nick, Shark and Ryan: *Are now kids*

Uni: Wha happened? Why am I smawl!


Nick: *Pumps fist into the air* YES! I only got 4 feet smaller!

Ghetto: *Ruffles Nick's hair* You're still my little baby!

Nick: HEY! 

AK: OMG You're so cute!!! I could just eat you up!

Shark: Tank you! *Huggles AK*

Author~Senpai: *Quietly sets Little Ryan into a sleeping Red's lap*

MichelleTheDemon: *Squeals* So cute!

Red: *Wakes up* Hu? *Looks down at Ryan* WHAT THE HELL IS THIS THING!!!

Ryan: You down't wemenber me? It's me, Wyan!

Red: The hell happened to you!?

Ryan: Do you weally want to know?

Red: You know what, no I don't. How long does this last?

Author~Senpai: For 6 Questions/Dares

Red: OK then, I could get used to this. *Plays with Ryan's Hair*

Ryan: *Lets Red do his thing*

Author~Senpai: WELP That's all we have for today folks! Bye~Bye~!!


I hoped you liked this one! Please give me questions in the comments below! BYE~BYE~!!!


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