DangerZone35's Dare!!!

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(Sorry for the messed up music. Now you get a little taste of what I listen to in my spare time!!! XD There's seriously something wrong with me!!!)

DangerZone35 dared:

I dare everyone to play spin the bottle version or truth or dare!:33

*Everyone except Toxic, Candy, Author~Senpai, Keona, and Michelle sat in a circle*

Ryan: So who'll start?

Candy: I WILL OK so, Dazy TRUTH or DARE?

Dazy: Um, dare!

Candy: I dare you to, um I dare you to wear a tank top and shorts on and run out side screaming POTATO PATATO TOMATO TAMATO! 

Dazy: Ok? *Does dare* Okay! Dr.Ross, Truth or dare?

Dr.Ross: Hm... I choose truth.

Dazy: Is it true you banged Sabre? (Banged = F*cked)

Sabre: 0//////0

Dr.Ross: *Chuckles and pulls Sabre into his lap* Yes, I did.. Even ask NICK!

Sabre: *Squeaks*

Nick: ;-----------; MY EYES HAVE BEEN TAINTED!*Hides face in Ghetto's chest*

Ghetto: *Huggles Nick*

Dr.Ross: Well, Author~Chan, truth or dare?

Author~Chan: Um Author~Chan chooses....TRUTH!

Dr.Ross: Is it true you and Raptor have kissed?


Dr.Ross: I saw it happen. And I showed a LOT of people.

Author~Chan: *Rolls up sleeves* Turnoff the camera...Things are about to get REAL messy...

(Camera goes black)


Sorry if it's short, Dazy! I just didn't really have any insperation! Hope you liked it, well the little bit of it! Sorry again, Dazy!!

Ask The Crafting Dead Series! (FINISHED, LOOK FOR PART 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora