DangerZone35's Question!!!

134 7 21

DangerZone35 asked:

Who does Dr.Ross have a crush on? Hmmmmm XD

Dr.Ross: Um, that's classified information!

Nick: Aw! Com' on Dr.Ross! Tell us! //demonic voice// Or I'll force you~!

Dr.Ross: F-fine! I....I have a crush on....

Nick: TELL US!

Dr.Ross: I have a crush on.....-////////- Sabre....

Sabre: Um......

Dr.Ross: 0//////0

Sabre: This is awkward...

Dr.Ross: I'm sorry Sabre *Kisses Sabre*

*Then Sabre and Dr.Ross go into a full on make-out session*

*Before you know it, Sabre is pinned to the couch and Dr.Ross is biting his neck*


*Also a little note, they did this right in front of a poor horrified Nick...*

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