H2Ocosmicpyscho's Question!!!

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H2Ocosmicpyscho asked:

Can the guys try to tie up Ghetto?

AK: Me likey this! OK!

*AK, Red, Jin, Wolfie, Husky, and Sabre sneek up behind Ghetto with rope* *They pounce and pin him down, tying him up*

Ghetto: WTF F*CKING(Censored) 

Author~Chan's Note: Sorry for the inconvenience. Ghetto was swearing so much we had to cut it out! Again our apologies! You may now continue on reading!

Nick: *Pets Ghetto's head* Calm down, babe! It was just a joke. Besides you know that they can be complete a$$holes sometimes. 

Ghetto: Most of the time that is....

Nick: *Sighs* What am I gonna do with you? *Continues to pet Ghetto's head*

Ghetto: You could cuddle all my sorrow and anger away...

Nick: *Chuckles* All right, I'll do it. *Cuddles with Ghetto on their bed*

*Nick and Ghetto fall asleep together*

*Dazy, Candy, Toxic, Michelle, Author~Chan, Keona, Raptor, Shara and Mystic (mmiissttiicc) all get out their phones and take pictures of the sleeping couple. Raptor posts them on her Facebook! (TBH in real life I don't have a Facebook! XD)*

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