Birds??? And Weed?? Da Fuq?

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*Going away from the feels for a little bit*

Wolfie dared: 

*whispers dare to Nick* OK CAN YOU DO IT, LOSER?

Nick: F*ck you...I'll do it. BUT pay me 40 bucks and I'll do it.

Wolfie: So you're that type of guy, huh? Alright I'll pay you BUT YOU HAVE TO DO IT! *Hands Nick 40 dollars*

Nick: Thank. You~! *Puts the 40 bucks into his pocket* I'll go do it now. *Puts on a pair of purple sunglasses*

*Play song now plz*

*Then he runs to the main room everyone is in*



Everyone: o.O? Da Fuq? *Laughing*

Ghetto: Babe, da fuq was that for? And why is Smoke Weed Everyday playing?

Nick: One word: Wolfie


Shark: Why the purple sunglasses, bro? It's kinda stupid..

Nick: BUT I LIKE PURPLE!!!(Imagine Nick ACTUALLY saying this in a whiney voice!! XD)

Ghetto: Aw it's OK sugar-plum!*Huggles Nick*

Nick: *Huggles back*

(*Huggle= Hugging and cuddling* BTW Ghetto's nick-names for Nick are sugar-plum, sweetheart, and sweetie. Basically any nick name having to do with sweet things!

Ghetto: 'Cause he's so SWEET!)

Ask The Crafting Dead Series! (FINISHED, LOOK FOR PART 2)Where stories live. Discover now