The Priestess

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--I'm skipping most of the Madara fight--

~What happens that is significant during that fight is that Sasuke, Naruto, and Hono are all knocked unconscious verging on the edge of death. Hono was stabbed by Madara multiple times including in her torso. After much resisting, she passes out from blood loss. Sasuke and Naruto are visited by the sages of six paths. But Hono is visited by someone a little different.~

My eyes flutter open and I see a vast expanse of white. I hear the sound of water droplets, "Where am I?" I mutter. "Did I die? No, Sakura would kill me if I did," I sit up and see a beautiful women. "Hello?" She had long white hair and a black kimono. Her lilac eyes are warm, like a mothers'.

She had a kind smile, "Hello dear," Her voice is as smooth as silk. "If you don't mind me asking, who are you?" I sit cross legged.

"I am the six path priestess, the lesser known sister of the sage of six paths," My head tilts slightly to the side. "My mother, Kaguya Ootsutsuki, came to your earth and picked the fruit of life. The fruit came from the tree you saw before, and the fruit was made of chakra. She ate this fruit and gained incredible power,"

"She was the ancestor of shinobi then?" the priestess nods. "They worshiped her and later she gave birth to two sons who had to fight the juubi to repent for her sins. After the two brothers, there was a little sister. No one really talk about her because she didn't battle the juubi,"

"That little sister was me. And soon I had a daughter of my own, her name was Kazumi. She was bright and talented but she had her faults. One of my brothers had two sons. One was a genius and the other was lacking. Those two sealed my mother while my daughter stayed by Kaguya's side and fought against her being sealed. And I think you can tell who those brothers are,"

"Naruto and Sasuke," I whisper and she nods.

"You can tell how they are completely different, like yin and yang. The genius brother, yin and the lacking yang. And where does my daughter come in you may ask? They had one main quality but not her, she and an equal amount of yin and yang. She would be rang, a relatively unknown element of the yin yang. Rang is literally the harmony of yin yang, much like my daughter. She was both dark and light,"

"There has never been a reincarnation of Kazumi unlike my nephews, Indra and Ashura. Hashirama and Madara being a reincarnation. But..."

"There is now," I answer. "And who do you think that is?" I blink a few times.


She nods, "I can feel her chakra running through you I can even tell by the way to sit and speak. You are also the first one so this must be a significant reincarnation cycle. I believe the decisions you make from here on out and either save or destroy the world," The weight of this new responsibility hangs heavy on my shoulders. A yes or no, a fight or flight, a do or don't do could destroy everything and everyone.

"What if I mess up? What if I kill everyone?" I stutter out. "Then that is how the end times will be," She rests her hands on my shoulders comfortingly, "However I believe you will know the right choice when the time comes,"

She straightens back up, "Now what do you want to do? Do you want to take up this responsibility and possibly save this planet? This is entirely your decision if you think you can save this earth,"

"I know I can't just leave my friends out in the cold like this. Plus Sasuke and Naruto are two bulls in a china shop without me. And I do want to save this world," I start making sense of what I want to do. "Is that your answer?"

"Yes," She pulls a long spear out of her expansive sleeve. The rob and the blade are solid white. She holds it out, parallel to the ground. "If you wish to take on the powers of Kazumi, take the spear with your dominant hand," I outstretch my arm and take a deep breath. This is what I want to do. I grasp the spear and a flash of light envelops my sight.

My eyes snap open and I stand up, "Hono?"I hear Sakura say. I feel Naruto's presence beside me, "Let's go," we say together as we leave the alternate dimension we were in to stay safe.


Naruto kicks away one of the shape shifting balls just before it hit Gai's red form. He uses Son Goku's chakra in a rasengan turning the center into molten rock. The attack is so power it fully cuts through the life tree.

I appear by Gai's side and sling him over my shoulder. Naruto and I transport him to Lee. "He's not dead," Naruto adds, much to Lee's relief. He turns to me and looks at his hand, "I don't know why but it feels like I can do anything now," I notice the white circle in the center of his palm.

I look down at my palm and see a yin yang. Naruto glances at my hand, "Were you visited by the sage too?" he looks up excitedly. I shake my head, "I didn't see him but I did meet his younger sister,"

He turns to Gaara, who was also there with Lee, "You guys protect Bushier Brow-sensei," he hops off. I look at Gaara and give him a curt nod before taking off after Naruto. I watch as he stands in front of Madara, "You can't defeat me. I'm immortal, I'll live forever," he gloats.

Naruto rests his hands on the back of his head, "Idiot, I won't be fighting you alone," I take that as my cue and appear by his side. Just as I land I feel a warm feeling wash over me. My chakra surges and I feel something materialize in my hand. It was the same spear that sealed the deal with the priestess. I also feel Sasuke by my side.

"We'll defeat you together," A determined grin creeps onto my face as I glance and Naruto and Sasuke. "One of you obtained the senjutsu of the sage and one awakens the rinnegan," he looked at me, clearly not sure what was different with me.

"And I obtained this power from the Lost Sister, the priestess," I dig the end of the spear into the ground. His eyes widen, "That's just a myth," I shake my head.

"Not anymore,"

The Girl With The Scars Book 3 {A Naruto FanFiction}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora