Motivational Speeches

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I wake up with the wind in my face. I peel my eyes open and look around. "Good, I was worried you would be in a coma," Tatsuo says. I grumble, "Where are we?" I ask. "Well we went to the village but they said they are all gone to the joint shinobi command base," I raise my eyebrows. "So they went through with it. Good, just hope we can get along," I mutter. "How ya feeling kid?" he asks.

I sit up and look at the surrounding forest, "Could be better, could be worse. I'll need some more chakra for full recovery," I respond. "It was your fault you made that dumb move," he grumbles. "Hey! I was trying to keep the message from leaving the island! I did what I could," I pout. "We're here," he says moments later. 'Convenient waking up just in time'

"How long was I out?" He lands on a dull mountain. "A good 12 hours," he say nonchalantly. I shrug. And jump off his back. "At least I got a good nap before all hell gets loose," I pat his wing, "Thanks, you can leave," I say and he disappears in a cloud of fire and smoke.  (That's the command center)

I jump down to the structures protruding from the rock

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I jump down to the structures protruding from the rock. I startle a group of ninja. "Does anyone know where the kage are?" I ask. They regain their composure and point down a level. "Thanks," I say curtly jumping down. I peek into the window and see the meeting. "So what did I miss?" I smirk. I slide in the window and glide over to Tsunade. "Just in time actually," Shikaku says before turning back to the group. "According to the advance recon squad, the enemy has a force number of 10,000. Considering only a fraction will come from the sea, we're in grave danger of being surrounded," I groan aloud.

"Of course as soon as I show up this happens!" I whisper yell to Tsunade. "Form an ambush squad! Then slpit the rest of the forces evenly," the Raikage is back to yelling again. "Make sure the medical logistic is properly equipped. Shikaku, make sure the intel squad have a clear route," Tsunade commands. "We made this while you were away," Gaara shows a headband with the kanji for 'shinobi' engraved on it. I smirk. "This is the joint forces headband. I designed them myself. And the samurai will join the shinobi too," Mifune adds. "Let's begin!"

"So what do I do?"I point to myself. They all smirk at each other. "You will be in the overseer for all of the combat squads," The Raikage says. "You will also be jumping around form missions to mission where you are needed most," Gaara adds. "So expect to be on your toes," Tsunade finishes. I grin wildly. " Now that's what I'm talking about!" I bounce up on the balls of my feet. Gaara tosses me the new headband. I take off my leaf head band and put it in a scroll while taking out my green flak vest. I tie the new headband in my hair like usual. "Do I get a special identification thing or something?" I ask excitedly. "I've never seen you so excited. And yes," she gestures for me to come to her. I approach her quickly. She ties a red strip of cloth around my upper arm with the kanji on it. "And if anyone gives you trouble," she looks up at me. "You know what to do," she smirks and I smirk back as I nod.

"Now go and find the squad leaders, Kankuro is one of them and he will tell you the rest," Gaara smiles. My attitude changes back to my normal emotionless tone as I bow. I go out of the window from which I came grinning like a maniac. I calmly walk over to the mass of ninja, slapping my cheeks. But then, I regret everything that I have every done. My smile drops as I awkwardly walk through the crowd until I find Kankuro. "Hey," I nudge him uncomfortably. "Oh! Hey Hono, about time you showed," he said. I run my hand through my hair sheepishly. "What can I say? My timing is great," I smirk and trying in the most subtle way possible to get him to ask about the red badge. "So why do you have that red thing around your arm?" he asks. Nailed it.

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