『Chapter Thirteen || Fumika's Feverish Fun!』

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"If you're sure," Haruhi said, before grabbing her wallet, "Alright, I'll be as quick as I can. I'll be back in 15 minutes."

"Bye bye, Haru~" Fumika giggled, waving as her sister and the Host Club (par Kyoya) left the apartment.

Kyoya finally managed to pry Fumika's arms off him, and went to make sure that the door was securely locked. When he turned back, he saw Fumika peeling her clothes off.

"Fumika, what are you doing?!"

"It's too hot," Fumika pouted, "So I'm taking off my clothes to feel cool. You should do it, too, Kyo-tan. You look a bit hot yourself."

"I can assure you, I feel fine. Now, Fumika, please. Put those clothes back on," Kyoya requested, taking a step towards her.

"You'll have to catch me, first!" Fumika squealed before running away in only her underwear.


|| 5 minutes later... ||

To Kyoya's surprise, despite having a fever, Fumika was still a fast and agile. Kyoya had also learned that despite the apartment being small, there was still many places for Fumika to hide. It has been five minutes, and Kyoya had ended up playing a strange hide-n-seek-chase game with Fumika. Fumika would go hide somewhere, and when Kyoya found her, she would run away. Kyoya would try to catch her, but somehow he would lose her and she'd end up hiding again.

Feeling tired of running, Kyoya gave up and sat on Fumika's bed. He had managed to rest for a minute or so before he heard giggling.

"Aww, did you give up, Kyo-tan?" he heard from behind him. Quickly, Kyoya turned and grabbed Fumika, pinning her onto the bed underneath him.

"I finally caught you," Kyoya panted, smirking at the girl underneath.

Fumika giggled before wrapping her arms around Kyoya's neck. "Yes, yes you did," She mumbled, pulling him down into a kiss.

If Kyoya had to be honest, even though they've been dating for about a month and a half now, they've never really kissed. Most of the time it was a peck on a cheek, and on special occasions, a peck on the lips, but it was nothing more.
Unlike their previous kisses, this kiss was more heated. Maybe it was because Fumika was only in her underwear, maybe it was because they were all alone together, maybe it was because Fumika was acting more bold, or maybe it was all three. All Kyoya knew was that he liked it and he definitely wanted to do more of it.

Reluctantly, Kyoya broke the kiss, "Fumika, you're sick."

Fumika pouted, "But I wanna kiss you!"

"I do, too, but right now you need to rest," Kyoya said.

Annoyed, Fumika grabbed Kyoya and flipped him over so she was the one on top. "I'll rest later, we've been dating for a month now, and this the second time we've kissed like this. I'm not stopping now," Fumika said, seductively, leaning down to kiss him again.

Kyoya groaned as he felt Fumika tug his hair. Subconsciously, he placed his hands on her hips and pulled her closer against him. A little more kissing wouldn't hurt, would it?

|| later... ||

After the heated make out, Kyoya finally managed to convince Fumika to sleep. Although, she refused to sleep unless Kyoya was sleeping with her. So that's what Kyoya was doing. Both of them were fast asleep, Kyoya spooning Fumika, when the rest of the Host Club returned home.

"Fumika! Kyoya-senpai! We're ba- GAH!"

The sound of Haruhi's screams instantly woke Kyoya up.

"What's wrong, Haruhi-AH!"

"Hey, Boss! Why'd you scre-oh..."

"Kaoru? What's going on-never mind..."


"Why are you covering my eyes, Takashi?"

Hikaru let out a low whistle, "Wow, Kyoya-senpai's already getting it on with Fumika."

Kaoru nodded in agreement, "I never thought you were that kind of person."

Kyoya rolled his and got of the bed, making sure that the blanket fully covered Fumika. "I have no idea what you mean. As you can see, I am still fully-clothed."

"Then what were you-" Haruhi stopped herself mid-sentence, "Actually, no. I don't want to know. Just remember that the walls are thin, and we can hear you."

Kyoya chuckled as he watched his girlfriend's sister stalk out of the room, the rest of the Host Club following behind.

Once they were out of the room, Kyoya slid back into the bed. Still asleep, Fumika turned and cuddled against Kyoya. Smiling slightly, Kyoya closed his eyes, drifting into a peaceful sleep.

|| Time Skip ||

"Should we wake Kyoya-senpai up?"

Tamaki yelped, quickly stopping Haruhi, "No! You must never wake Kyoya! There's a reason why he's called 'the Shadow King.'"

"Why don't you just let him sleep over?" Hikaru suggested, "Your dad did say that he would come back in the morning."

Kaoru nodded in agreement, "Yeah, and you could just that Kyoya came over early to check on Fumika or something."

"Kyo-chan looks peaceful when he's sleeping, doesn't he, Takashi?"


Haruhi sighed, "Alright, fine. Now all of you go home! It's late."

|| The next morning... ||

Fumika yawned as she woke up, feeling refreshed and fever-free. She moved to get out of bed, but stopped when she felt something tighten it's hold around her waist.

"What's holding on to me...What are you doing here, Kyoya?!"

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the late update. I ended up getting sick over break and I haven't had the time to update until now (And I still have to do a whole bunch of homework that's due tomorrow...shhh...). Anyway, some of you have requested for me to "spice things up". I still have no idea what you guys mean by that, but I decided to do an original chapter. Sorry that the chapters short, and it's probably not that good...I tried my best though, so that counts right? Anyway the picture for this chapter was edit made by ILoVedOgEs. I love it so much! If anyone else feels like making an edit for this story, you can email to me. (My email's: LilyPotter473@gmail.com) But yeah, hopefully you guys enjoyed the story! I will try my best to update as soon as a can (The earliest is probably February).

Also, I entered my story into OuranWattys OHSHC wattys. If you could vote for my story,I would really appreciate it!

Happy new year, guys! Hopefully it'll be better this year.

Invisible || Kyoya Ootori ||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora