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A/N Hi, I know it's been over a week since the last update. Last week was crazy and this week will be the same if not more. I should actually be studying right now. I tried making this one long so enjoy! Please Vote/Comment/Share

Giovanna's POV

 Kiss me. Kiss me.

 What the hell was that?! I'm his FRIEND. That's all, right? Well my mind had other plans when he handed me the rose. His fingers felt so warm against mine. Who am I kidding, his whole body is always warm! Sometimes I just want to stay in his arms and let him shelter me from reality. But, I know he has to protect himself from his demons too. I don't need to add on to it, no matter how much I love it when he comforts me when I need him. I shouldn't have to need him. But, God  I want him.

 Like this morning, I haven't had an attack like that in a while. And I can handle them most of the time. But, this time felt way out of proportions. It was that terrible nightmare that triggered it. I felt myself shudder at the thought. I guess David assumed I was cold so he gave me his jacket. It was too big on me, but that's what I liked about it. It had his scent, which comforted me while I thought about this morning.

 Just thinking about it made me cringe out of fear and embarrassment. He saw me at my weakest point. I couldn't help but feel so exposed to him. I almost wished that he wasn't there to witness it. But I know without his help, the morning would've been worse.

We were now walking along the paths again, as I twirled the rose around in my hand. It reminded me of the poem he wrote for me. I love that poem, almost as much as I lo-. Stop. Giovanna you need to stop. I thought about the nightmare and that put an end to my butterfly feelings. Each part played out practically perfectly in my mind.


It started with Josh, Jesse, and me all sitting on the couch like it was a normal day. It was almost nighttime and I hadn't seen David all day, but I didn't think much of it. That was until I heard a loud bang. My heart started racing and I could hear it thumping in my ears. I knew something was wrong. When I tried getting up, Jesse stopped me, but I pushed him off. Josh stayed behind as Jesse followed me to wherever my feet took me. I didn't know where I was going until I stopped in front of David's bedroom door. That's when my heart started going batshit crazy. It was like I knew what was going to happen.

When I pushed the door open, I saw David sprawled on the floor with a gun in his limp hand. His head was bleeding as his beautiful eyes blankly stared directly at me.  He killed himself. He killed himself when I could've done something about it. I lost him. I had lost my parents, now he joined them. 

Everything happened in slow motion from that point on. His blood dripped tauntingly from his skull as if to say I could do nothing to stop it. I felt my body rack with sobs as I screamed bloody murder and fought my way to his body. It was like this invisible force was stopping me from running toward him. As if I were in jello or something. As I finally stood next to him, I found a note. It was splattered in specks of his blood and slightly crumpled. He loosely held it between his pointer and middle finger.

I did this for you.

I remember reading it through foggy eyes as tears raced down my face. I cradled him in my arms, wishing for him to come back. But I knew it was too late. I blamed myself for this. For his death. I cried out for Melinda. I held on to some hope that her magic could bring him back. But, she never came. Jesse was no longer in the doorway, but I didn't care. I just let my tears fall on his face. Horrible emotions washed over me as I held him tighter in my arms. And then suddenly, I had the urge to join him. I was so ready to pick up the gun and shoot myself because maybe then this pain would lessen. And that scared me. How I was ready to leave my family and everything I had. All for him.

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