Netflix to Save the Day

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I felt something shift and move beneath me. My mind may have been groggy, but I instantly knew that it was David. The couch felt like a cloud and I didn't want any movements to ruin the bliss of the moment. I gripped his shirt as an attempt for him to stay put. It only worked for a minute before he tried getting up again.

Okay I give up. The moment is gone and I'm awake.

I sighed and opened my eyes. By then he already made it to his desk, looking through a book he picked up. He didn't seem to notice I was awake, so I took the chance by observing him. His body was only turned halfway so I could still see his face, but a lock of his hair fell into his line of view of me. I didn't bother to notice before, but he had electric blue streaks through his hair and a black piercing in one of his ears. I was still surprised at how tall he is. He's got to be at least a foot above me. Considering I'm 5'3, I found it very likely.

But no matter how different they seemed, he kind of reminded me of my friend, Jesse.

 Jesse and I were instantly friends when I moved here. I was an outcast in school and he was my first friend. He and I just seemed to click and it felt great being accepted by someone. His family was super nice to us and helped make the transition easier when we moved. We wanted to go to the same college, but I also wanted to stick around and help Gina raise Matt. I decided to go to college nearby while he went to college in Boston. Of course everyone protested against my decision, but my mind was made up. Jesse and I said goodbye in July. He was reluctant to leave and in all honesty I didn't want him to. Believe it or not, I liked him more than a friend, but was too chicken to tell him. I was always scared that he would reject me and our friendship would become weird, or maybe he wouldn't go to Boston.

Of course he would go to Boston! He wouldn't give up an opportunity like that for me. Even if he did like me. It wouldn't be like the end of a chick flick where he stays because he loves me. No. This is reality.

 I hate it when I lose focus on what is happening now and instead focus on a stupid dream.

 Well I'm stuck here, so either way my dream would be dead.

 The thought stung a little. So I tried filling my mind of happy memories of Jesse and me. He liked to dye his hair red and wore his glasses whenever he didn't forget them or lose them. His eyes were a warm brown while he had pale skin, matching mine. We both loved staying up all night watching classic movies and sometimes we even camped out. I was filled with nostalgia and smiled down at my hands while each memory passed by. I was caught in a daze until David snapped me out of it.

"Oh I didn't know you were awake. I- Giovanna? What're thinking about?"

I didn't think as I blurted out, "Jesse."

He seemed to stiffen. A second later I realized what I said. My face blushed with embarrassment.

Damn it. Now he's going to ask about him. God, I don't want to talk to David about him.

His eyes hardened and so did his tone. He seemed distant and cold. I did not like it one bit. A subject change was needed, pronto.

"So, uh how'd you sleep?"

My weak attempt didn't help much but he still answered.

"It was okay."

"So you still up for breakfast?"

"It's three in the afternoon. It's past lunch."

"How about a snack?"

"I'm not hungry."

"C'mon you haven't eaten all day. At least drink something."

"I don't want anything."

"Damn you're stubborn," I mumbled under by breath. But I guess he heard me because he replied, "I am not stubborn."

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