1 - Rarity

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I've never seen
a man with so much dimension


Beep beep beep

"I'm up! I'm up!" I shoot up from bed and took a glance on the alarm clock. My face drops as see the time; 9:00 A.M, and I slam my annoying alarm clock off. It probably snoozed all this time. I should've gotten rid of that in the early summer but hey, guess I can't do it now because the summer's going to end soon. What a great day.

I pushed the comforter off me and kicked it until it reached the end of my bed and stood up and walked straight to the mirror. I took a quick look of my reflection before grabbing the hair tie hanging on the edge of the mirror and I quickly tied my hair as I walked towards the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a quick shower, I quickly put some clothes on and walked over to my bed and grabbed phone that was under my pillow. No new messages. I sighed and threw my phone back on the bed. I guess everyone was offline last night. I used to be MIA all the time, but now my friends have gotten me to check on my phone often, because last Christmas I almost forgot the exchange gift tradition. "Whatever, I'm getting breakfast." I muttered under my breath as I turned my heels and went downstairs.

I walk towards the cabinets. Grabbing the cereal, I also grab a bowl and pour cereal in it. I open the fridge and grab the milk. Pouring it over the cereal, I bring it back to the fridge and close it.

I walked towards the cabinet and opened and, grabbing the cereal and milk. I grabbed the bowl and poured the cereal in with the milk and quickly ate it. I know, my breakfast sucks, mom isn't home so I'm going to deal with this because I can't cook. I threw the now-empty bowl on the sink and went back upstairs. I'll clean the dishes later. Me and Rarity have plans today and I'm going to pick her up because that spoiled brat doesn't know how to drive.

I changed my clothes into ripped jeans and tucked-in white t-shirt. I took my keys of the desk and took my phone off the bed to call Rarity. I tapped the call button and it went to ringing, as I wait for Rarity to answer, I went back downstairs to put on some shoes and went outside the house to start the car.

"Hello?" Rarity answers

"Hey Rarity, I'm picking you up today."

She groans over the line, "Why?"

"Didn't you remember saying yesterday that we'll go to the mall?"

She gasps, "Really!? When did I say that!?"

"Are you kidding me?" I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, you just made me dress up so go get ready because I'm leaving already."

I hang up and press the unlock button on the keys and the car's lights flashes twice, signaling it's unlocked and I swing the door open and I slide in. I pull door close and then turn the keys in the car starts, I then start driving.

I dropped the call and put the keys into the ignition and turned the gear to neutral, my side eye catches the house next door. They don't seem to be doing much this Saturday. I was staring at the door for a while and suddenly panicked when the door opened and spotted a blue hand, and I turned the keys to start the car and pushed the clutch as I drove off to Rarity's house.


I entered the huge gates of Rarity's house. It was actually her parent's house, but she has her own apartment in the city. The house is a 10,000 square foot Classical French style house and also kind of Mediterranean. As you enter the gates, the first thing a person will see is a a garden that is on the center of a concrete brick pavement that leads to the house's entrance. While on the outer part of the pavement, is just a field of grass and a few shrubs. 

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