5 - 12 hours

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The way we love, is so unique
And when we touch, I'm shivering

"Mom!" I groan and sat on the stairs near the kitchen, "You know you can trust me in keeping the house."

She nods her head, "Oh, I do trust you, sweetie."

"You're just gonna leave up this morning and come back at the middle of the night." I groan again.

"I know."

"What could possibly go wrong?" All this whining and groaning is not getting anywhere, I know, but I'll have to force Mom. I really don't want to be associated with Soarin in my house.

"I heard that you've been not-so-nice with Soarin these days."

Who the fuck told y-

"Rarity said." She smiles.

I swear I'm gonna cut Rarity down, and feed her entire body to the wolves and trap her soul in a bottle, and give it to the demons, and i'll call 911 and send her to jail for all e-

"I thank Rarity for telling me that."

"I've been doing nice things with him, Mom." I roll my eyes. "I even fed him to the wolves." I grumble.

"Mhm," she nods, "So Rarity is right."



"Shush, I'm giving you 12 hours to be friend with him."

I let a out long groan and I drag myself upstairs. I enter my room and throw my self on the bed. Sighing heavily, I grab my phone lying beside me.

Mom just found out about me and Soarin not getting along with each other, and of course, she's the type of person that will literally befriend with anyone. Now she's going to be gone for the entire day, so she told Soarin off that he can stay in the house since Soarin's mom is always gone too. His mom travels a lot, just like Rarity's parents.

I really don't want Soarin to come over, especially that he just entered himself in the soccer team without going through try-outs. I mean, he's a pretty good actually, he's like me but I'm better, (duh.) I saw him play soccer with Thunderlane yesterday and watched him just beat Thunderlane in their entire match.

"My life is so fucked up." I mutter under my breath. I drop one foot down on the floor and dropped the next. I lazily stand up and drag my self in the shower. I strip my clothes off and wash my self. After showering, I grab a pair of black skinny jeans and a light pink hoodie. Don't fucking laugh at me cause pink is the only thing in my closet like, it's laundry day.

I spray some perfume on me and snatch my phone and quickly got out of my room. I jog downstairs and I look for mom.

"Mom?" I yell. I look around at the kitchen, bathroom, her room, guest room, and backyard, and garage. Did she leave without telling me she's leaving again?

I walk around the house and I found my self walking towards the front porch of our house and I kick the pebbles scattering around. I turn the knob of the from the front door and it swings open. The house is eerily silent and as I got in, the door shuts and I swear I heard myself squeak.


I shut my eyes and grimaced, I slowly turn around and once I turn my back, I slowly open my eyes, regaining sight back and when I clearly see everything, hoping that I will never see again.

Soarin leans on the door, a slight smirk tugs on his lips. I let out a heavy sigh and I shut my eyes again.

"Go away, Soarin." I say through my gritted teeth.

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