9 - Hangover

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'Cause you could fall in, and go psycho

Ain't no tellin' where this might go


My eyes flutter open and the first thing I see was a blurry Sunset Shimmer as I feel myself being rocked back and forth, her mouth was moving. A blurry Twilight stands beside Sunset, her mouth moving too as she places her hands on both of her hips.

"Rainbow Dash!" A muffled sound of Sunset's voice was the only thing I could hear, the rest were inaudible. I close my eyes back again, why are they even calling me at this time. Suddenly, the sound of an air horn was brought to my ears.

"AHHH!" My eyes shoot open and my heart was beating fast. All my friends were around me, wearing their school clothes and I glance to my side to see Pinkie Pie holding an air horn. I glare at her, and as I was about to cuss her out, I place both of my hands beside my head as I felt a sudden pang hit my head. I wince and lay myself back on Sunset's bed. It was like a soccer ball being kicked to my head over and over again.

"Shit." I curse under my breath, holding my head as I curl into a ball.

"Damn, how much did you drink last night?" Pinkie asks in a teasing tone.

"I... don't remember..." I whimper. My throat has never felt this dry and I could taste the intoxicating after taste of alcohol, and the taste of pizza and cheese. It tasted terrible. I hear my friends laughing around me and I glare at them.

"So what happened to you and Soarin last night?" Sunset asks tautly, an evil smirk forming on her lips as she waggles her eyebrows. "OOOOOH." My friends all say in unison.

What the fuck happened last night- My mind suddenly flashbacks to when Soarin drove me here and we saw this couple making out and I literally tried to kiss him. I feel my face heating up as I bury my face in Sunset's pillow. "Nothing happened last night." I lie through my teeth, my voice muffled.

"Oh really?" Sunset teases.

"Even if something happened last night, I wouldn't tell you." I reply and they all laugh again.

"You were beet red last night."

"That's the effect of alcohol, Sunset."

She smirks at me, "Your eyes were also dilated, that's not the effect of alcohol, is it?"

I narrow my eyes as well as I glare at her, gritting my teeth. What am I supposed to say now!? Twilight and Sunset are two of the most smartest students in Canterlot High, they also have quick observations and you can't get passed them if they catch you. However, what they can't get through with is a liar. As the greatest liar of Canterlot High and has lied through many things already, they can never catch me!

"I don't remember what happened last night, but the last thing I remembered, some girl from that party offered me a heart shaped pink candy, I don't know- but I couldn't remember the rest." Drugs also make the pupils dilate.

Sunset narrows her eyes, "Alright then, I'll say I believe you..."

"Now if you'll excuse me, you girls can go to school, I'll stay here a little bit." I say before burying my face back to the pillow.

Twilight groans, "Get up, Rainbow Dash, you're not missing school just because you have a hangover!" She pulls the pillow from me and my face falls on the mattress. A groan escapes my lips as Twilight pulls my hand, trying to pull me off the bed, "Goddamit, Rainbow Dash, we're going to be late."

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