26 - Promise

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For all your beautiful traits, and the way you do it with ease

For all my flaws, paranoia, and insecurities


"Rainbow Dash! Darling!" Rarity whines, "Hurry up!"

I inhale deeply and exhale sharply. I just spent 20 minutes in Rarity's dressing room standing in front of her full-size wall mirror. I stare at myself, unable to understand what I feel about this swim suit. It's a black, strappy, high neck halter top and black strappy bottom. Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh! I can't go out looking this! Why did I buy this!? Anyone can see my chest!

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted a continuous banging on the door. "Rainbow Dash! Everyone is literally downstairs already!" Rarity growls.

"Just a minute! I'm just fixing something-"


"Nothing! Nothing! I'll be there!"

I hear Rarity sigh, "Twilight, sweetie, and Sunset, you two can go ahead. We'll meet you downstairs, so hurry up Rainbow Dash!"

I hear the door close and another bang on the door, "Rainbow Dash!? What is going on!?"

I bite my lip, debating whether I should just stay in my room and never show up until everyone leaves, or just ignore these straps and get on with my night. Why the hell are you overthinking about this!? It's just some straps that at least reveal your chest! They don't even reveal the cleavage part because your breasts are just averagely small! I internally groan, taking a glance at my chest. They are small but not that small!

Whatever, I have a body that anyone would die for, I don't care about anyone thinks about this. Just get out of there already!

"I'm coming!" I yell.

"You've been saying that for the past 30 minutes!" Rarity yells back.

Groaning, I walk over to one of Rarity's cabinets. I'm going to look for something to cover myself, like some bath robe or what, but not an actual bath robe. I roam my hands around the satin clothes of Rarity. Everything is so necessarily organized in here, her leather shoes to her felt shoes, her leather jackets to her camel coats. Her night time clothes are separated too from satin and cotton. She also has an entire cabinet of just Haute couture clothes.

I flick through the hanger rack of the "satin only" cabinet, checking the satin clothes one by one. They are also arranged by color. Did Rarity arrange all of these? I'm guessing she had Twilight over here.

"Aha!" I say, grabbing the rose gold satin duster coat. I quickly slip it on me as I run towards the door, swinging it open, "I'm ready!"

Rarity lifts her head up from the bed. She lifts herself up as she groans, "Finally! What took you so long!?"

"It was kind of difficult finding this thing." I reply while tugging on the coat.

"The entire dressing room was arranged, darling, it was arranged so it could be easier!"

"Yeah, heh, well you had a ton of clothes!"

She rolls her eyes, blowing a raspberry, "Whatever, let's go the other are waiting for us."


"Okay! Okay! I'm coming! Jeez! Slow down!" Rarity removes my hand off her grasp and glances from left to right.

"Where are they?" she asks, finding our friends in the crowd of people wearing bikinis too. Rarity groans, "I should've not invited this many people!"

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