7 - Friends

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I just wanna be part of your symphony

will you hold me tight and not let go?


The bell rings and students rush to get out of the classrooms. The hallway began filling up and they all run towards the cafeteria. It's finally lunchtime but I'm not excited for lunch at all. Waiting in a line while holding a tray for I don't know how many minutes, is not exciting at all. The food isn't that great either, I've been switching from juice to milk and vice versa every day. The only thing I was excited about lunch was hanging out with my friends.

I stand up from my seat when everyone finally exited the room, putting my phone and pen on my velvety green bomber jacket's pockets. I step outside the history classroom and start walking towards the cafeteria. I breathe out as I realize 3 more subjects left after lunch and the school's done, and I haven't scheduled any meeting for the varsity team. After this day I get to have a sleepover with the girls at Sunset's house.

Oh, wait, no, I still have to fucking hang out with Soarin.

A groan escapes my lips as I remember that I was supposed to hang out with Soarin for the entire day. I already had him for arts today, and he was also my partner for the painting part. Apparently, Vice Principal Luna told every teacher that had the subjects where Soarin and I are classmates to partner us and keep us sitting together. I don't know what her point is but forcing us to get along with each other isn't going to work out at all.

If I wanted to be friends with Soarin, I would've done that ages ago. I would tolerate him bothering me in every class. I would be nice to him even if it means getting rid of my grumpy attitude every morning. The problem is, I don't want to be friends with him. There's just something about him that I don't want to deal with every day.

Also, the fact that he almost kissed me last Saturday, he was in my room yesterday, and that I creepily stared at him is just going to make it harder to be friends with him.

I push the cafeteria doors open and scan the area to find my friends as the doors behind me close. I finally spot my friends sitting on the table beside the table where the soccer team is sitting. I run up to them, taking the seat beside Sunset. "So what are we talking about today?"

"Just the sleepover," Sunset replies. "By the way, if we are going to order pizza, what would you guys want?"

"Pineapple pizza!" Pinkie Pie screams and we all look at her with disgust.

"Pinkie Pie, please do not even speak of that." Rarity says.

"What? Why not!?"

"Because it's disgusting." I retort.

Applejack butts in, "It's not that bad."

"What's disgusting about a little sweetness on the pizza!?" Pinkie pouts.

"Well, in my opinion, Pineapple pizza tastes nice," Twilight shrugs.

"Darling! No wonder students at Crystal Prep High hate you!"

Twilight glares at Rarity, "What?"

"I'm joking, sweetie!"

I fake gag, "Whatever, I'm going to get my lunch, I'll be back." I say as I stand up. As I start walking, I caught a glimpse of Soarin sitting on the soccer team table, he didn't even look at me but I don't know if he even noticed. Why wouldn't he notice you with that rainbow hair? I grab a tray and walk over to the end of the line, where I'll suffer for 5 minutes of waiting. My phone suddenly vibrates and I heave a sigh as I grab it from my pocket.

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