13 - free succ

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"I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are." The guy on this cliche ass romantic movie said to this girl who just campe up to him after he woke up from an amnesia with concussion.

Rarity sniffed and slowly shoved a spoonful of vanilla ice cream in her mouth. Mascara dropped across her face and her expression looked like she was going to burst out crying. "Oh my, poor Maria." What happened is that this guy was concussed from a car crash on their second date and they brought him to the hospital. After like three fucking months he lived then he had an amnesia. Maria, the girl, kept reminding him of who she was but he doesn't remember a single damn thing but only the car crash but not the date.

"Why doesn't he remember anything? WHY?" Rarity screamed and continued to cry. I rolled my eyes, "Stop shouting or I'll shove that ice cream package on your ass."

She looked at me with teary eyes, "Rainbow Dash, what if-what if your love one doesn't remember you anymore?"


She fiddled with her fingers, "What if they never recognized you again? What if Soarin doesn't know you anymore?"

My jaw slightly dropped and I rolled my eyes, "What? The fuck are you saying we don't even like each other!"

She crossed her arms and turned her back at me, "Your opinion is invalid and you are the reason why my ship isn't together yet."

I groaned, "We. Don't. Like. Each. Other."

She turned her head and glared at me, "Why not?" and turned her back from me again.

I grimaced and gritted my teeth, "Somethings can't just happen, Rarity!"

"That doesn't answer my question!"

"Yes it does! and I'm gay!"

Her jaw dropped, "When were you ever gay?"

What. "No I mean I'm, philophobic?"

She scoffed, "What does that even mean?"

You don't even know what that means! "No! I mean, I'm Soarin-phobic."

Rarity clutched her hand on her chest and gasped, "How could you?!"

I face palmed, "You know what? I'll just get things straight that me and Soarin will never like each other and will always loathe each other!"

She lowered her head with eyes looking at me with frustration and if looks could kill, I'm probably six feet under ground by now. She opened her mouth to respond and before she could even think of a come back, I shoved a pink frosted cupcake with blue star sprinkles that Pinkie Pie gave me of a box of it.

Her expression turned into horror and took the cupcake away from her mouth. She hastily ran over to the nearest mirror, bumping into the obstacles around. She looked and touched her lips with frosting covered all over. Realizing her expensive luscious lips were ruined, she screamed. I winced and covered my ears from her ear-piercing and high pitched scream.

Lesson learned, do not fuck with her lipstick again.


I stared at the screen in front of me. My lips are purses and I often click my tongue. Rarity is still mad at me for damaging her lips but I could care less, it's just lipstick. Part of me wants to apologize and part of me wants to keep her pride. She was staring off at the TV too with her eyes narrowed and arms crossed in front of her chest.

Well, not a good time to apologize. I mean it's not my fault why she's so shallow.

My eyes were half open and drooping because of the atmosphere that you can only hear from the conversations made from the TV. I hated being bored. I sit up straight pulled my legs up on the couch and took my phone from the lamp table beside me. I moved my thumb as I scrolled through the notifications of the text messages I was just receiving.

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