The New Beginning

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Earth was almost destroyed, nearly 2500 years ago. Some people saved it but most of the humanity died. A new species, expected to be better than the homo-sapiens, is now inhabiting the lost planet. "LOST" that was the name which was chosen by their god for the planet. They have a god, worship him, just like we did.
This species is similar to us homo-sapiens in most senses but they have their differences.

A teacher said in her class
"The homo-sapiens destroyed themselves and the homo-sapiens saved themselves"
But what did that mean?
A kid wondering the same question reached his home and with much curiosity asked his mother about what his teacher had just told him.

His mother showed him a holy book, the holy book of this new species. It was just like a bible and asked her son to await the right time to hear the story of whom she could only refer as gods.
The kid insisted and mother kept on avoiding him.
Soon, the kid grew older and in our years he was 17 and his mother entered his room. The small room was covered with dust and spider nets in most corners. There was a stack of mattresses on one side and opposite to it was a study table. There was no sign of what you readers would describe as modern technology or technology. There were two cupboards, closed on one of the 3rd and 4th wall. And on the 4th wall was a door and a few wall decor. Above the stack of mattresses, there was a window and the only source of light, air, and breeze. On the study table, there was a hand fan which the lazy teenager lying on the stack was too tired to pick.
She handed him the holy book, hitting it to remove dust. It read as "World Leaders" on the title but the meaning of the words, the correct design of characters was long lost 400 years ago when the last, but not true, homo-sapien died.

I am the only one left with some true knowledge.
The writer of this holy book is forever unrecognized for his works for humanity. This is the attempt of commoners from this new species to immortalize the man, about whom the book concerns, who changed the waves of reality itself and gave this new species, A Chance To Survive.
This is the true translation, (what I think the writer meant) of their holy book to you, the generation which is unaware of what will happen to you in the next few years...

The kid was surprised to see the book he had been asking for, for the last 10 years, but he was not as much enthusiastic as his mother thought he would be. It worried her, the fact that their species was so much better and so much worse than homo-sapiens. He took the book from her hand and put it inside one of the closets. He told his mother to leave the room for he felt the need to masturbate.

His mother in his room said. "Son, this period will pass and then you will be free from the teenage urges."

"Yes, mom. You are right. But right now, I gotta do this and I can't do it with you in the room. So, get out."

The woman left the room while the son defiled himself. It happened again and again over a course of months till he could control the urges.

The kid was eighteen now and one day out of boredom, the tired, lazy teen lying on a stiff, stacked set of mattresses started reading the book and for the kid, the book opened up to a new reality with some very familiar surrounding. The book originated in, for the kid, what was a whole different world.

"This absurd reality is a myth", said the kid out loud but as he read further about the system of roads, railways and the thought of a person flying, he could only read further without any breaks. His imagination was so graphic that now he himself could not deny the fact of purity and truthfulness of the book.

The poorly grown kid could not understand his fascination and dedication towards the book and could only call it "A god's miracle".

As he read about the various sciences of this world, his only explanation to it was dark magic or some other voodoo which was as he had learned from his friends, the essence of the book. He also understood that the book had been tampered with and wasn't the original writing and thus he went on a quest and the only person who could answer his questions was his mother. The answer he got could only satisfy his restlessness but he still was unable to comprehend the truth of the book.

His mother told him how the book was translated since 2500 years ago when it was first written. Every dialect, way of expression had exploited the book in its own way and what her son read was just a shadow of the real truths.

This only made his curiosity grow and he was left knowing a simple fact that if just a reflection of the real book could change his whole view of his world then whatever the real book contained, whatever was lost in history was more important than any wealth of this world. He reached out to a window to take a pause from the excessive reading that he had been doing but his mind could only think about the invention called the computer that he just read about. He cried out loud for he couldn't understand why he felt so burdened and compelled by some kind of natural force to not leave the book without completing it. And soon, he reached the start of the god's tale...

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