Lost|Part 13

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I woke up to Gigi licking my face. Gahh she's adorable. I took my phone to see I've got 13 missed calls and 22 new messages. I opened my messages to see a billion texts from everyone and they're all saying the same thing. Celestia got lost and a search party had already started for her. I quickly took a shower, got dressed, did my hair, had some breakfast and headed to my brother's house.

Everyone was there and they were putting up flyers everywhere. I saw Aphmau with a blank expression on her face. She must be devastated from the fact that Celeste is gone. I went up to her.

"Sorry to hear." I said

"So you've heard." She said as she stopped putting up the posters.

"How could I not? I got a million texts from everyone. Is there anything I can do? Put up posters, search for her, ask people if they've seen her? Anything? Id love to help find her."I said

"That would be very much appreciated. You can go to Aaron. He'll hand you some posters. You can put them up in Phoenix Drop since it isn't far away." She said

"Okay. I'll do what I can to find her. Should I bring Gigi with me too?"

"If you want to. Thank you so much for helping."

"No problem." I said and walked to Aaron.

He looked very worried.

"Hey Aaron. Aph said that you're handing the posters. I'd love to help find her."

"Thanks for helping, sis. Here." He said handing me the posters."If you find her please call or find us."

I went home, put a sweater on Gigi and left for Phoenix Drop.

When I arrived the streets where empty.

I started putting up the posters. A person walked by.

"Hello miss! Whats going on?" Asked the person. She had light brown hair and she was wearing glasses.

"Oh. Hi there. Well my brother and his girlfriend lost their puppy so I'm trying to find it. Have you seen a puppy like this by any chance?"

"Hmm... Oh Yes I actually have! I was going to my friends house in Lovers Lane and I saw a black husky puppy shivering in the cold near the entrance so I fed it some chicken that I made! And then it didn't eat the chicken but it just took it and ran off. I could've took it home but I don't know a thing about dogs! And it ran away in to the bushes... Maybe that was the puppy?" She said

"Thank you so much! I'll go tell my brother! Hey... What's your name?" I asked

"I'm Kim."

"My names Y/N. Nice to meet you! Have we met before?"

"I'm don't think so. Maybe you've seen me around since I usually love walking by here."

"Well, again, nice to meet you! Hope I see you again. Thanks for your help!"

"No problem. Goodbye!"

I know I haven't posted in a while but I was celebrating New Year's! And a new book will be coming very soon because I know that you'll love it! Have a great day. Baiii!

Aarons Sister|Reader x LoversLane|An Aphmau FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now