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So I might've taken that ending a bit to far eh? Here's a bonus chapter to properly end things since there's no sequel.



There was a uncomfortable silence that spread between the three adults, as a shocking confession had been made by the young creative writer Grayson Ross.

"You can't leave, I think I have feelings for you"....

Mercedes has received an offer from WWE, and it is simply to good of an opportunity to turn down.

With the help of her friends and boyfriend, she decided to take the offer. The only problem was figuring out if she wanted to finish her current TNA deal, or use her out clause.

This is a decision that the young Boston native was gambling with all day, but  all the twist and turns the day has brought on makes that decision a bit difficult.

To say that Mercedes was surprised by Grayson's remarks were an understatement. She didn't even think Grayson saw her in that way.

"Grayson, what are you talking about?" Mercedes confusingly asked.

"These past few months that I've been able to work with you have been great. The way your face lights up when you talk about wrestling is a great sight to see, and your view on life just amazes me. It wasn't until all this stuff going with Miranda and I, that I noticed that those things make me attracted to you."

"I knew it! You fucking bastard!" Ethan yelled as he charged at Grayson.

Before Mercedes could even react, Ethan had tackled Grayson on the floor, and the two of them began to fight.

"Ethan stop! Both of you just stop!" Mercedes yelled as she attempted to break the two of them up.

TNA officials and some of the male wrestlers rushed in to break the two of them up.

"Stay away from my girl, you son of a bitch! You've been plotting this whole time!" Ethan exclaimed as he was being taken away to another area backstage.

Grayson was being guarded by some other talent, as well as some of the writers. His mouth was bleeding, but he didn't go down without a fight, nailing Ethan in the eye with a forearm.

"Oh my god. What is happening?" Mercedes questioned as she took a deep sigh in disbelief.

She walked over to Grayson to figure out where all of this suddenly came from.

"Grayson, did you really say all that stuff just to piss Ethan off? That's low, especially for you."

"Mercedes I know it seems that way because all of that literally came out of nowhere, but I meant every word. I've been committed to Miranda this whole time, but now that I left her I've started to notice my feelings. Ethan being all in my face made it even worse." Grayson stopped before continuing again.

" I know that you love Ethan, I'm just a trainwreck right now with everything going on in my personal life. I could just be talking nonsense, but if you leave I can't figure it out."

Mercedes still didn't know how to react to all of this, and simply just wanted to run away from all of her problems.

"I'm sorry Grayson, this is just to much for me to deal with right now. Plus we're at work, and I'm sure you and Ethan will be dealing with some consequences for your actions. I'll see you later."

"Mercedes wait!" Grayson called out for her, but he had another issue to deal with.

"Grayson, Dixie wants to see you in her office." John Gaubrick announced.

He follows the orders and heads to her office.

As Grayson walks in, he notices Ethan and Mercedes both sitting next to each other.

"Mr. Ross, have a seat please." Dixie instructed.

"Micheal. What you and Grayson did was highly unprofessional. Arguing about your personal life at work is one thing, but a fight is extremely unacceptable. When your at work you're Ethan, so anything involving Michael should stay at home. Grayson you intensified the situation even more, making matters worse. Keep personal matters away from the work place."

The two remained silent, like a toddler being scolded for getting into trouble.

She paused for a second before continuing.

"So with that being said, I've decided to suspend both Ethan and Grayson until our next tapings. Mercedes, I'm going to let you slide due to the situation being out of your hands."

Mercedes took a deep breath before responding.

"Actually Dixie, I would like to be let out of my contract."

Both Ethan and Grayson looked over at Mercedes stunned.

Dixie frowned," You've only been here 6 months Mercedes, I'm not sure you can be let out, unless you're requesting a release."

" I have an outclause that I can use this month. I have another offer that I want to pursue, and taking advantage of it now is appropriate considering the situation."

"Are you sure you want to do this Mercedes? You've been a great worker, and I'd hate to lose a talent like you." Dixie questioned.

"Baby I know I blew up, and I'm sorry. Please don't let that be the reason you take the out clause." Ethan pleaded.

Grayson remained silent, since he felt that he caused all of this unnecessary chaos.

Mercedes looked over to Ethan, holding his hand." I'm positive. I also think we should end this relationship. We both need to focus on our careers, instead of  getting ourselves in messy situations like this."

"Mercedes wait a minute, you don't mean that?" Ethan asked with emotion deep in his voice.

"I do Ethan. I'm sorry."

Mercedes then turned to Dixie Carter " I'm sure. I want out."

Dixie sighed "Alright, well the last day of tapings is tomorrow, so I'll have creative write an angle for you to drop the Knockouts Championship."

" Dixie it was great getting to work for you, and I thank you for giving me the opportunity when no one else would. I'm going to get ready for the show." Mercedes spoke.

"The pleasure has been all mine darling." Dixie smiled.

She then have Dixie a hug, before exiting the office.

Grayson and Ethan remained in the office sitting in silence.

Grayson looked over to see Ethan sitting there with tears streaming down his angry face.

"Ethan I'm-"

"Screw you Grayson! This is all your fault! Your relationship was ruined, so you just had to ruin mine right?!" Ethan exclaimed.

He quickly stood up from his chair and rushed out of the room.

All that was left in the office was a confused Dixie, and a quiet Grayson.



It just doesn't get any better.

*Walks off stage*


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