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"Good luck at your meeting babe, I have faith in you."

"Thanks baby. I miss you already. I'll fly back to Atlanta as soon as I can. I love you."

"Love you too. Good luck!"

I was on the phone with Mimi as I got off of the plane.

In just a few minutes, I'm going to have my meeting with the TNA officials.

On the outside, you couldn't tell if I was nervous or not, but on the inside, you could see that I was nervous as hell.

I haven't felt this way, since the night I asked Mimi to be my girlfriend, or even my high school graduation.

After getting out of my thoughts, I hoped into my Über, and was on my way to TNA Headquarters.

I gave the drivers the directions, and I was on my way.


I was sleeping comfortably in my queen sized bed, when a muffled vibration from my night stand rudely awoken me.

"Who the hell.", I mumbled.

I picked up the phone and noticed a familiar number. It was WWE.

I quickly sat up, and answered my phone.

"Hello?", I answered.

" Good Morning. Is this Ms. Varnado?"

"This is she. How can I help you."

"Hi I'm Canyon Ceman, Senior Director of Talent Development at WWE NXT. You tried out for us about three days ago, correct?"

"Uh. Y-Yes sir."

"Well I'm calling to regret to inform you that you were not selected to be brought to NXT. We would like to thank you for your interest in our company, and we hope that in the future, you'll try out for us again."

I heavily sighed." Did I not do good enough in the ring?"

"We feel that though you did good, there were those that did a little better, and we only were selecting a fixed amount of wrestlers. We do encourage you to try out again one day.

"Well thanks for the opportunity."

I hung up the phone and plopped back on my bed.

"I'm a failure.", I sobbed into my pillow.

I couldn't believe I got rejected. I thought I did great, but I guess I could've gave it my all.

Now I'm feeling discouraged, and I don't know what to do.

I know I shouldn't give up, but this rejection was hurting like hell, and maybe a little more sleep will ease my pain.


I pulled open the two glass doors, as I entered TNA Headquarters.

Risking It All: A Sasha Banks StoryWhere stories live. Discover now