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1 month later...


To say that this past month has been very hectic is an understatement. Everyone has been on the ball to have great television each and every week to satisfy both  management and Destination America.

I have been working on a very unique storyline for Taryn and Mercedes for the championship.

Mercedes has been kept off of television for the last set of tapings due to an angle with the newly formed Dollhouse taking over the division for a few weeks until Mercedes returns from her storyline injury.

I'll go more into detail at the creative meeting, but I did tell one of the writers what I had planned to do.

Everyone has been on edge and rushing to get things done to make sure we maintain ratings.

"Alright guys, let's go ahead and start this creative meeting.", David spoke.

I put my phone into my pants pocket, and took a seat at the meeting table.

"OK. So first off, I just want to say that I commend you all for working hard on the script, with all the madness going on around here. It's very impressive, and with that being said, I have an announcement to make."

Everyone in the room started to sit up straight and immerse in chatter, curious to what David's announcement is.

"Management has decided to start a new system to reward us writers for our hard work. Writers' Incentives will now be given for writers who come up with the best storylines. We will do this sporadically throughout the year, starting today."

All of us begin to erupt in applause, wondering what the reward would be.

After all of our commotion calmed down, he then continued.

"I'm sure that you all are wondering what the reward is, so I'll just get straight to it. The winner of the incentives will get.... Something that will be revealed at a later date."

"Come on!", All of us complained.

Davis shook his head. " Nope. I'll tell you AFTER you present me with your storyline ideas... right now. So, who would like to go first? "

Before a single word could leave anyone else's mouth, Justin blurts out.

"I do!"

David chuckled." Alright then Jus, let's here it.

He cleared his throat before speaking.

"OK. So I was thinking about booking Mercedes KV with the Knockouts Championship at tonight's tapings, then her and Taryn duke it out in a heated feud towards Slammiversary, and they have a huge blowout match like a Last Women Standing match, booking it up to the point, where they main event the Pay Per View."

My mouth nearly dropped to the surface of the table.

That exact same senerio was the very one that I had mentioned to Justin earlier today.

"That actually sounds pretty good! I didn't expect that from you being that you don't write for the Knockouts, but that's still a nice idea. Who's next?"

This is gonna be a long meeting.


"So, are you ready for this match tonight?", Ethan asked while holding my hand, as we walked down the hallway.

I shrugged." I guess so. I have been off TV for a month with this injury angle, and I've been dying to get back in that ring, but I'm also nervous because it's been a month."

"Don't worry babe, you'll be fine. You've been warming up all week, running ropes, taking bumps, all that, so you won't have ring rust if that's what you're worried about."

I sighed." That is true, but I'm also nervous because Grayson told me that they aren't telling us the outcome until we hit gorilla."

" Well you are in a championship match, so they still could be going back and forth on this angle. You may have been absent, but they've been hyping the storyline up, with that interview of you they did from your "house", Taryn has been keeping your name in your mouth, and I heard they are setting  up your angle nicely."

" You always know what to say, huh?", I asked.

He smirked. "I sure do. I'll be sure to do
the right things to you later tonight.

I rolled my eyes." Yeah OK whatever, I'll see you after the match.

"You got this babe, I love you."

"I love you too"


I AM.... Doll Eyes.... Doll Mouth....

"Please welcome to the ring, your TNA Knockouts Champion, Taryn Terell and the Dollhouse!"

Taryn made her way to the ring with Marti Belle and Jade of the Dollhouse, as I nervously waited in gorilla.

I thought we were gonna find out who would be winning this together, but they let Taryn go to the ring first for some reason.

"Hey Mercedes, how you doing?", Jon Gaubrick asked.

"I'm alright, just nervous, and no one has told Taryn and I whose supposed to go over in the match."

"Well Mercedes, that's why I'm here. Both creative and I have decided that we are going to have you win the Knockouts Title tonight. The ring official will tell Taryn before the matchup, because she would try to pull something had we done it now."

"Wait, so this whole time y'all knew how Taryn acted?"

"Yeah we did, it didn't start until after winning the title, but she was our top Knockout at the time, so we just let her believe she controlled things so she can stay on contract. I know that seems weird, but we can't have our champ go AWOL because she doesn't want to defend her title. So with that being said, go luck out there Mercedes, and will see you afterwards champ."

I felt myself smiling ear to ear, wanting to cry, but I decided to hold it until after the match.

Script or not, Taryn is going to give me a fight, and I have to prepare for the antics she's got up her sleeve.


Hiatus Over!

I know I just posted it a week ago, but I finally got my creative juices flowing, and I wanted to type this update for you all.

Did you peep the new cover?👀👌                  ( Yeah, I made it.)

What do you feel about Justin stealing Grayson's storyline idea?

How do you think the title match will play out?

The big fight is next! Stay tuned!


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