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Today is the last day of TV tapings, and things are pretty hectic around here.

Everyone is pushing to make sure the last day of tapings go well.

For the wrestlers, they get a few weeks off before the next set of tapings, while us writers' have to continue to have creative meetings at TNA HQ.

I was still thinking about how the other writers were letting a threat hang over their heads in order for Taryn to keep her title, but I have some news for her.

We are discussing letting her have the title for a few more months, but definitely not till the end of the year.

I made my way into the arena, and was about to enter the creative room, when I was stopped by someone.

" Grayson right?"

I turned around to see Mercedes approach me.

I haven't seen her since the first day of tapings, so I knew this had to be important.

"Yeah that's me. What's up Mercedes?", I responded.

She smiled." I wanted to ask you something concerning a certain person."

"Sure, go ahead."

She looked around the hallway to make sure no one was listening.

"OK, so there's this knockout that keeps saying that she's going to keep her title until her contract runs out, because she always gets her way. Do you know anything about that?"

I froze in my stance.

I really didn't know what to say, because I'm not allowed to discuss any creative decisions with other talent, but then I realized that she had to have heard that from the woman herself.

"Who in particular are you mentioning?", I asked, even though I already knew who it was.

She gave me a look, as if I should already know." I'm sure you know who it is, cause of you didn't , you wouldn't have asked me who particularly. I'm talking about Taryn."

"Ok that's who I thought you were talking about. I had to be safe responding, cause I'm really not allowed to talk about creative decisions with other talents."

She sighed."Do you know why she had the power to do that? Does she have the writers involved in some type of way?"

"Actually yeah she did. Empty threats. It's ridiculous if you ask me, but what I can tell you is her keeping the title until her last day isn't set in stone, because they put someone else in charge of you guys' storyline."

She took a sigh of relief." Thank goodness. She truly acts like the person she plays on TV, and it's annoying."

I chuckled." I've heard. I have to get going, but please don't tell her any of this, just continue to let her think she runs things."

"That I'll do. I'll see you later, we should hang out sometime."

I smiled." That sounds like a plan. See you."

We both went our separate ways and got ready to work. I have to plan this Knockouts storyline out, and I think I know just how I'm going to do it.

Before I could even enter the room , I turned around and saw one of the wrestlers giving me a angry glare.

Once he noticed I saw him, he turned around and left.

Risking It All: A Sasha Banks StoryWhere stories live. Discover now