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Now that tapings are over for the next few weeks, Gail, Brooke, and I decided to go out for the weekend.

Since we are still in New York, and we aren't scheduled to fly home until tomorrow evening, we all decided to hang out here in the city.

"Do any of y'all know any good clubs out here? I'm from the south, we mainly hang out at BBQ pit stops.", Brooke asked.

I chuckled." Well I'm not really the club going type, but we can always Google it."

"Google? Now that's one thing I can do right.", Gail noted.

"Gail, you of all people should know all the places to visit, you're married to a superstar chef, you guys are always traveling.", Brooke informed us all.

"I mean yeah, but we mainly go to restaurants and conventions, not clubs."

I sighed." Well until we figure that out, who are we inviting? Is it just us, plus ones, what?", I asked.

Brooke shrugged." It should really just be a girls thing you know. We could invite other knockouts, but let's not.

I slightly frowned." Why not? They all seem nice, except for Taryn of course."

"That's the thing. If we invite anyone else, Taryn will beg them to tag along, and they'll give in. That's how it always turns out.", Brooke mentioned, plopping down on the couch.

"Well, let's just focus on finding a place to go to."

I just want to unwind and have a good time with my friends, the place doesn't really matter, we just don't know where to go.



I'm in my hotel room, getting ready to pack up and leave.

I'm getting a little time off before I have to start reporting to headquarters, so I am flying to Atlanta to spend some time with Miranda.

Just as I was about to head out I heard a knock on the door.

"Give me a sec!", I yelled as I put my luggage back on my bed.

I rushed back to the door. I tried looking at the peep hole, but all I saw was pitch dark, as if someone was covering it.

I obviously knew better than to open the door right away, so just in case it was a killer, I quickly opened up the door, and got in my fighting stance.

I was about to lunge, but a familiar face was standing in front of me.


My eyes nearly popped out of my eye sockets.

"Miranda! ", I exclaimed, as I embraced her in my arms. I definitely wasn't expecting her to show up here.

"I was just about to book a flight back home to see you, what are you doing here!?", I curiously asked.

"Yeah I know, but I couldn't wait, I missed you so much, and I thought that it would be a good idea, since this is New York City!"

I chuckled."What do you want to do while your here.

She smiled." Well first and foremost, I want to spend some alone time with you, then we can go to a club tonight or something."

Risking It All: A Sasha Banks StoryWhere stories live. Discover now