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"Where are my keys!?", I yelled, as I scattered around my apartment looking for my car keys.

Last month I was signed by TNA after my tryout, and they finally called me for the next set of TV tapings for my official debut.

I couldn't believe that right when I was rejected by one company, another won calls me, and I'm practically hired on the spot.

I have to fly out to New York for the tapings, so I need to make sure I have everything.

I'm really excited to have this opportunity and show the world what I got.

When I get to the arena, I have two meetings, the first one is an introduction to the division, the other is a creative meeting with John Gaubrick and the writers.

I took one last look at my apartment before I exited.

"New York City here I come!"


"Good Afternoon ladies. I would like to start off by saying that I would like to welcome all of you back to the Impact locker room. There has been a lot that has been going on around here, but it's a new year, and new network, so let's start fresh."

I am standing in the hallway as John Gaubrick talks to the rest of the knockouts.

I am finally about to be introduced to the rest of the roster, I just have to wait on my que.

"Destination America is a good fit for us, so we have to do our best to make sure we make good TV. A fresh start also means fresh talent."

The room filled with murmurs of words, likely talking about who the fresh talent is.

"So with that being said, I would like to
introduce our newest knockout...."

My que finally came up, and I took a deep breath before I stepped into the room.

" This is the newest TNA Knockout, Mercedes!"

I was greeted with an array of applause. Everyone smiled at me, and offered me a hug, except for one of the girls, who just shot me a weak smile, and looked the other way.

"Mercedes do you have anything that you would like to say?", John asked.

I smiled." I would just like to say that I am honored to be apart of this locker room, and get to work with you all. You all are very talented in the ring, and this will be a fun experience."

Risking It All: A Sasha Banks StoryWhere stories live. Discover now