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2 Weeks Later...


For the past two weeks, I have been at home getting the much deserved rest that I needed.

Wrestling up to 2 times for three consecutive days, takes a toll on the body. It is definitely going to take time to get used to the way TNA tapes their shows.

As a was getting comfy , a loud vibration was coming from my night stand.

"What the hell?", I mumbled.

I see the words "John Gaubrick(TNA)", on my phone screen.

I picked up my phone from the nightstand and answered it.

"Hello.", I answered, sleep still in my voice.

"Good afternoon Mercedes. Did I wake you?"

I frowned when he said afternoon. I turned to my clock on my night stand that read '2:10 PM'.

" Yeah sorry about that John, I overslept. How can I help you?"

" Well this is late notice, but you have been selected to be apart of our seventh annual Maximum Impact Tour."

My eyes nearly popped out of my head.

"Is this the infamous tour where we tape multiple TV tapings from the UK?!", I asked, getting very excited.

He chuckled." Yeah that's the one. We usually don't take everyone on the roster, but creative has a lot in store for you, so you've been selected to be apart of it."

"Oh my gosh thank you! This is a great opportunity, I can't wait! When do we leave?"

"Well today is Sunday, so we are leaving on Wednesday. Make sure you have everything you need. We all will be flying out from Nashville. We look forward to seeing you there!"

"Thank you so much, I'll see you soon."

I hung up the phone and immediately sprung out of bed.

I am going to get to travel around the world. It is going to be the best time of my life.

I quickly pulled my phone back out and texted Gail.

Me: Gail guess what?

Gail💕👊: You're dating Ethan now!? OMG!

Me: No, of course not. I was chosen to take part in the UK Tour!

Gail💕👊: Yay! Now the whole trio is coming along! When did you find out?

Me: Just now. I got a call from TNA management. They said that creative had plans for me!

Gail💕👊: Did you tell Brooke❓

Me: No. I'm going to surprise her.

Gail💕👊: Perfect! Can't wait to see you Wednesday.

Me: Ikr! I'll talk to you later love.

Just as I was about to turn off my phone, it vibrated again, indicating that I have received another text message.

I clicked on the notification and playfully rolled my eyes when I saw that it came from Ethan.

Once we went out last week, it was actually really nice. He really opened up truthfully, and once I finally gave him my number, we've been texting ever since.

Risking It All: A Sasha Banks StoryWhere stories live. Discover now