Seconds after Ani running out, Thalia immediately ran inside the room after forcefully opening the double doors. "S-S-Sitri! Whatever Ani told you, it's not true!" Thalia sprinted in front of Sitri, and kneeled at the red carpet below him. "Please believe meeee!"

Sitri was slightly surprised when Thalia kneeled, but he was even more shocked when Thalia almost looked like she's gonna cry. "W-What in the hell Thalia? What are you talking about?" Sitri decided that he should feign ignorance.

"R-Really? She said nothing?" Then she let out a sigh.

"Thalia, I don't know what you're talking about. But she did said that you were planning on sneaking up on my room and prank me again there." Sitri really overheard the two talking about that when he took a stroll around his castle.

"What? No! Of course not!" Then, Thalia is back to herself again. She stood up and crossed her hands at her chest.

"Just know you're punishment is still not finished, vampire." Sitri smirked. He already know what he's gonna do to her later.

"I hope it's not something sexual." Thalia hugged herself.

"That's it. Get out of here." Sitri pointed behind her.

"Yes, grandpa!" Then Thalia snickered as she ran back to the hallway. Her laugh can be heard throughout the whole castle.

"Tch... You're really gonna get it now." His smirk turned into a devilish grin. As soon as he said that, he vanished in a crimson light.


"Hmmph! Stupid Sitri..." Thalia muttered. She looked in front of her, to the deeper path of the current hallway she's walking at. He saw Sitri walking inside an unknown room. "Did he teleport again?..." Then she snuck up, following the mischievous demon.

Sitri grinned mentally. 'She took my bait, nice.'

As Thalia peeked inside the room, she saw nothing but darkness. She could hardly see inside, even with her enhanced sight. 'This must be magic. But, why in this room?' Thalia thought. Nevertheless, she entered.

As she blindly walked through the the dark room, the door behind her suddenly closed. Her only light source now gone, she began to panic.

"Eeeep! Waah? Who closed that? Open this!" Thalia keep on banging the wooden door, but to no avail.

"I... feel... weak..." She slumped down at the ground. She looked at her trembling hands. "Magic nullifying field...? And an anti-supernatural ward... What is this place?!" Thalia yelled as loud as she could, but it only came out of her mouth as a whisper.

"Thaliaaaaa..." A ghostly voice called from every direction.

"W-What do you want?! Where's Sitri?!" Thalia tried to stand up, but failed.

"Thaaaaliaaaaa..." It whispered again.

"Go away! Waaaah! Help mee!" Thalia opted to curl into a ball and covered her ears. She began to whimper.

"Wahahaha!" A laugh suddenly echoed around, then the room lit up, revealing rows and rows of bookshelves. It's Sitri's library. "So even Thalia can get scared! Kahahaha!" Sitri hold on to his stomach for the sake of Thalia's further embarrassment.

"What...? Sitri, you...!" Thalia, feeling her powers coming back up again, tackled the demon to the ground and choke him. "Dieee!" She screamed.

"Kwahah-hak-haha-gwee!" Sitri still tried to laugh, but end up choking while sticking his tongue out.

"You're a moron!" Thalia just closed her eyes as she calmed down. She let go of the demon, and stood up.

Sitri stood next, while slightly rubbing his neck, but a grin is still plastered on his face. "Revenge."

Kurai Yoru (Darker Night)Where stories live. Discover now