"I'm sure, he'll get here," Stefan reassured and then he took her hand and twirled her around quickly on the dance floor, surprising her. "But you're at a party, you should at least have a little fun."

   Rebekah smiled up at him and Stefan smiled back. He kept twirling her around, making her laugh. Her eyes were bright with joy and a slow song came on. They swayed to the music and Rebekah rested her head on his shoulder.

    Her eyes caught her brother entering the party, "Finally, he's here."

    Stefan and Rebekah got off the dance floor and Klaus immediately walked over to them. Rebekah gave him a look, "Where were you?"

    Klaus scowled and looked at Stefan, "Having a little chat with your sister. She's very insistent that I be punished."

    Stefan smiled proudly, "Well, I always told her she should never settle with less than what she deserves. She's gonna make you grovel."

   "That should be interesting," Rebekah smirked.

   Klaus glared at Rebekah. Their attention was diverted to Marcel. Marcel had grabbed Thierry by the throat, angrily and pushed him into the wall.

   "Well, that's our cue to leave," Rebekah looked at Stefan.

     Rebekah and Stefan left, going to the cemetery where Sophie was going to do the locator spell to find Elijah. Sophie invited Stefan inside the cemetery since there was a boundary.

    Klaus stayed at the party where he gave Josh the drawings of a daylight ring spell. Josh gave them to Marcel, saying that he found them at Katie's place, the witch Thierry was involved with and had killed a vampire for. Marcel was angry and he sentenced Thierry to one hundred years in the Garden, where vampires desiccated and rotted.

    Marcel and his crew of vampires went to take Thierry to the Garden. They got to the street and Katie was walking down the street towards them. She started a powerful spell to save Thierry. Katie was going to kill Marcel, but Klaus snapped Katie's neck before she did.

    Sophie stopped the locator spell because Katie's magic suddenly stopped. Sophie wanted to keep going with the locator spell, but Rebekah and Stefan weren't going to let that happen.

    Stefan grabbed the map of the French Quarter and threw it to the ground, "If you get caught doing magic, then you die and my sister dies along with you. That isn't happening."


    Marcel lived and he put Thierry in the Garden. He was grateful to Klaus and he was going to give Elijah back to him. Klaus then went to Rousseau's where Camille was.

    Klaus sat down next to her at the bar and he started, "Cami...."

   "Don't even try it. I get the bro code. You're here to smooth things over for your friend. It's very nice of you, but...," Camille got cut off.

    "You've been hurt before and you aren't taking anymore chances," Klaus guessed.

    "Something like that. The guy I saw tonight? Not the guy I thought he was. And if he can turn on a dime like that...," Camille stated.

    "Sounds like more than just a broken heart. Someone broke your trust," Klaus pointed out and smiled. "Camille, the brave bartender."

       Klaus was facing her but looking down as he said those words, just merely stating them out loud, not expecting them to have impact. But Camille stared at him and Klaus caught her stare. She looked like she might lean in to kiss him.

   "Now, Cami, you are very beautiful. But I do have a girl that means the world to me," Klaus made very clear and Camille looked away in embarrassment.

   "Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I totally misread you," Camille apologized.

   "It's alright, sweetheart," Klaus forgave. "And now, you are Marcel's weakness, so I'm gonna need you to give him another chance."

    "You went to Marcel's. You danced. You feel badly that he had a row with his friend, but otherwise, all you remember is that it was perfect," Klaus compelled Camille with no regrets.


   Klaus arrived back at the plantation house. He told Rebekah that he was the one that killed Katie and he told her that Marcel was going to give Elijah back. Rebekah was upset with him that his power moves were important.

    Eira had just come out of the bathroom from changing into her sleep wear. Klaus was in her room and he was standing next to the bed. He looked up at her as she walked towards him.

   "What are you doing?" Eira asked.

    "You should know that Elijah will be returning to us," Klaus stated.

    Eira smiled and sat on the bed. She was happy that Elijah was returning, "I'm glad."

    "You hardly know him, and yet you miss him. What is it about my brother that always inspires such instant admiration?" Klaus scowled.

   "He's a nice person," Eira answered.

     Klaus visibly deflated and Eira grabbed his hand, "But, I love you, Klaus. You don't need to be jealous or upset."

    Klaus sat down beside her, "How can I not be? I've always thought you deserved someone better than me. And I'm afraid that eventually you'll think that, as well."

   Eira grabbed Klaus's face with her hands and turned his head to her, "Why do you keep degrading yourself? I love you, just you, always you. You're the only one I'll ever love."

    Klaus leaned his forehead against hers and he kissed her softly and shortly on the lips. He pulled away and kept his forehead against hers. It was silent for a moment before Eira broke the silence, "The witches know about the pregnancy. They've been getting visions of the twins."

   "Now, they can threaten me even more with you," Klaus frowned.

   "It'll be okay," Eira reassured and Klaus smiled slightly. He always believed in her words, just her words.

    "Now, you need to go," Eira pushed him slightly on the shoulder. "Elijah may be returning but he's not here yet. Therefore, you're not sleeping in here."

   Klaus rolled his eyes and he kissed her on the forehead before leaving the bedroom to go to a guest bedroom. Eira smiled as he listened to her. She laid down in the bed, tucking herself under the covers and eventually falling to sleep.

    Author's Note: Yeah, I didn't reveal what the babies' genders are yet. It's too early. I believe Eira has to be in her 12th week to figure that out. She's not there yet.

   But, I'm starting to think about baby names. So, I'm asking you guys to give me some suggestions for boy and girl names.

     Right now, I really like the name Benjamin for a boy or just Ben. I also like the name Henrik, obviously. For a girl, I got no clue so girl names are a must have right now.

   P.S. I have been very indecisive but I'm putting my foot down. Eira and Elijah are just gonna be friends. I've made up mind and there's no changing it now.

Sleeping Beauty- Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now