But I do care. Even though Faye has been treating me like shit, I still feel inclined to be here for her. I feel like it's up to me to defend her; she wouldn't dare argue with Omar. Omar and I used to be cool in fifth grade, until he started making fun of Faye. In all these years of school, that was the only time I had gotten in trouble. We got into a fight on the playground. I was demolishing him, so his cowardly ass had two of his friends jump in.

Didn't see him or his dumb ass friends in middle school at all. He came back into the picture in ninth grade.

"Man Fuck that! I see now I'ma have t..."

"What the hell is your problem Jahmir!" Faye came over to us and mushed my shoulder. "Why would you do that?!"

Am I surprised that she's scolding me? Not at all! Of course she gets mad at me for doing something she acts like she can't do: defending herself. Omar just doesn't know when to shut the fuck up. Despite what she thinks, I care for her a lot. I hate it when people pick on her. That's not fair at all. Everyone has insecurities. Why should she constantly be reminded of hers?

"So you want him to keep staying stupid shot to you?"

"No, but I don't want you to get in trouble over me. I can handle it."

"Apparently you can't! You never say shit! I do because I care."

"Aww." Harvey had a huge smile on his face. "You two need to start dating already! Willow has already shipped y'all." He said referring to his girlfriend of two years.

"Oh please!" Faye laughed. "I would never date Jahmir."

She walked away after she said that.

"Boy I'll charge you ten dollars to help you scrape your jaw off the floor." He put his hand under my chin and made me close my mouth.

"Boy fuck you." He started laughing hard when I smacked his hand.

I left him standing right there and went to find my homeroom. I'm ready to get my fucking schedule then get the fuck out of here.

Faye has changed so damn much. She keeps on pushing me away, and it's only a matter of time before I start letting her have her way.

We used to have so many fun moments together. Like the times when we would go off and explore in Atlanta. Or the times when we would pull all nighters with junk food, games, and tv. Or the times we went on trips together. Or the time we kissed in her backyard. That was a great day. She was thirteen and I was twelve. As shocking as it might sound, she was the one that kissed me. She used to be so much more outgoing.

I met my homeroom teacher. Mr. Aspen. He didn't look that young, but he didn't look old either. I was surprised to know that he'd be my math teacher this year. I'm so used to having prehistoric little women for math teachers. He's probably new to the school. I'd never seen him before.

"I'll see you Monday Mr. Phillips." He shook my hand before I felt his room.

On my way to my car, I seen something that made my blood boil.


She turned around with her hand over her mouth. How can she be so shocked that I'm here? It's open house and I do attend this damn school.

I wasn't even surprised to see her with another nigga, but I was hurt when he turned around.

Omar smirked at me. "Oops."

"Nigga you told me he left already!" She mumbled something to him before they both came over to me.

"Jahmir, baby, I can explain."

"So how long you been with this muthafucka?"

"We aren-"

She was about to lie to me, but Omar stepped in to tell the truth.

"Nigga we been fucking around since sophomore year. Can't you see, pretty boy? She used your ass as a bank nigga. Oh correction: we did."


It was too late. My fist connected with his jaw. His weak ass tried to fight back, but I hit him three more times.

"HARVEY COME GET THIS BOY!" I then realized that it was Willow's voice that I was hearing.

Her voice distracted me, so he got a few hits in, which only angered me more.

Before Harvey got over to us, we ended up on the ground. He was on top of me, but fell beside me when I swung my elbow at the side of his face.

Harvey helped me up then pushed me. "Nigga this is what I told you NOT to fucking do. Go with Kae and Kayla before a teacher comes out here and get y'all asses."

"Nah fuck th..."

"DO WHAT THE FUCK I SAID!" He pushed me again.

Even though I wanted to fight his next, I did as he told me. Much to my surprise, Faye and Kayla were standing there holding hands. They both looked scared and I couldn't understand why. We've had multiple fights at this school.

"I.. I'll drive." Faye said. She wrapped her arm around Kayla's shoulders then they started walking to my car.

"Jahmir wait!" Nia came into my view.

She better be glad that my grandma raised me to respect women. If not I'd go upside her fucking head a few times.

"We're over with, broke ass bitch. Don't say shit to me anymore."

It was hard, but I was able to walk away from her.

I got in my car and didn't speak a single word to Faye or Kayla.

I'm hurt. Really hurt. I hate it when people take advantage of me. And I guess I feel so bad because I let her. I'm so fucking stupid.

Faye's fingertips lightly brushed against my arm as she drove. All I could do was sit there and just think about what just happened.

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