"Nogla....." Chapter 19

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"What how will we kill it?" Vanoss asked..

"It's simple!! My gawd Evan!!!!!" Nogla yelled.

"We will go and use are defensive causing the monster to have less of a play field so we should be able to kill it." Basically said.

"Do we have to kill it?" I said with a sad face."

"You're just as bad a lui!!!!!" Nogla screamed threw the mic.

"What I'm still confused how are we going to kill it?" Vanoss asked and I had to mute my mic so I could laugh..

"EVAN WHO CARES WE JUST NEED TO KILL IT YOU STPID-MY MOTHER COULD PLAY BETTER HAN YOU--- YOU TEENAGE GIRL!!!!!!" Nogla said threw the mic as I turned my chair around so could fall into the floor and I could hear basically also trying not to laugh.

"But---" Evan said but nogla cut him off.

"ITS JUST A GAME MY GAWD EVAN!!!" By this time Evan was also laughing at the screaming man. I feel so sorry of his girlfriend that lives with him, listing to this man screaming.
Threw the rest of the night I died multiple times making us all die and having nogla scream at me or Evan at this point.
We all still though it was the funniest thing... Well until nogla left the call and game...

Sorry it's been a second.... I'm off this week so I should be able to get some chapters up for you guys!! : )

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