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So, turns out my day is going amazing.
For breakfast i had waffles with fruit, i got a new pair of shoes today, pink and white polka dot slippers, and my phone isn't freezing for once.
I text Salome.
Hey salome, have i caught you up on what's been going on between me and Toph?
No. And that just proves what a bad friend you are. I didn't even know there was something between you too after everything that happened.
Sorry. I have been really busy all this time, and really, i haven't even gone on my phone since that day i texted you. So you want to start fresh and let me catch you up?
Fine. You're forgiven. Agreed. So what has been going on? Let's get on juicy gossip 😄.

I roll my eyes and text her back.

So turns out me and Toph have a "crush" on each other. He likes me, i like him, and I'm not sure but, well i think we're dating
WHAT?!? And why am i just hearing about this?
I'm sorry okay? I already told you why.
No worries, I'm just teasing darling! So....he asked you out?
Well...to be honest it isn't really like we're dating... i mean, we do act like a couple, and he even introduced me to his cousin as his girlfriend but it isn't like he ever asked me out....
Oh. So it isn't official
I guess it isn't
Well, i don't want to text anymore, how about we meet at Janelle's in fifteen minutes?
Sure. See you there in fifteen minutes. Are you taking up our usual seat?
Duh. Bye sweetie
Bye dork.

I roll out of bed and get a text from Toph.

Hey Celia, can we meet up?
Uhhh i was just on my way to Janelle's to meet up with Salome...... uh. Wait hold up, let me ask her if it's fine.

I get out of our conversation and turn to Salome's chat.
Uh salome? Toph just asked if we could meet up and i told him i was going to meet up with you..... is it fine if we all meet up at Janelle's?
Yes, we could meet up by ourselves later, even have a slumber party or something, not sure. But he can totally come.

I go over to his chat.

Yes, you could meet up with us at Janelle's in ten minutes. Pick me up or meet me there?
Sweet! Nah, pick you up wouldn't let you walk all the way over there.
Aw, thanks I'll wait for you
On my way. Be there in five.

He actually is here in five minutes, and we go over to Janelle's.
We don't say a word on the way, so i keep it that way, but my curiosity is bigger.
"Uh Toph? I'm really sorry if Salome teases you on a lot of stuff, that's just what she does, and well you know her" "no worries, i know Salome."

We arrive at Janelle's, and see Salome at the corner.
That's our usual seat.
Before i met Toph, me and Salome used to come here everyday, and we chose this seat because we could see everyone at the cafe, and so, we used to sit there and rate boys.
From that day on, no one took that seat, and our friend Marcy, made sure no one sat there when she knew we were going. Salome used to text her every day, telling her to make sure no one sat on that seat. She is the best.
"Please go with Salome, i have to see a friend first"
"No, let's go together" he says. I look at him, take his hand and lead him to the counter.
"Marcy!" I yell "Aw Celia! I was so excited when Salome texted me and told me you guys where coming, i'm so glad to see you again!" I go behind the counter and hug her. "I know, it has been such a long time since i saw you" i said "what happened to those every day visits?" She asked "he happened" i pointed at Toph he waved and gave Marcy a megawatt smile "i'm sorry i happened, but i'll make sure not to take Celia that much so she and Salome can come more often" Marcy smiled, then her eyes widened "Christopher Orangewood! I didn't know you were dating Celia, what a pleasure!" I giggle awkwardly "you guys know each other?" "I'm not sure....what's your full name?" "Marcella Worthington?" He smiles, then looks at me, and his smile vanishes. "Celia, Toph used to date my cousin, Clarabell Worthington, not sure if she attended your school? Anyway, this guy made her last weeks of life the best" "her last weeks?" My voice stuttered "yeah, Clarabell, she had cancer and yeah.... i used to date her even before i knew she was diagnosed with cancer, but yeah. Death separated us." "And there the reason he became a player" Marcy said.
"But, Marcella, you changed a lot" "yeah, well, my hair is blue now, it was blonde, that's it, i didn't know a hair color could make a person look so different" "yeah....well, i don't want to be a partypooper, but we have to go, Salome is waiting" i said "no problem, I'm sure i'll see you tomorrow" she winked and went back to work.
We walked over to the table where Salome was sitting at.
"You guys saw Marcy? She is soooo different now!" Salome said "yeah i know, she has blue hair now" i said. "Going back to business" Salome said, smirked and looked at Toph "Toph, sit down, next to your girlfriend" she said. He sat down, and he gave me an uncomfortable look "So, you guys wanna tell me how you got to dating? Because you are dating right?" He looked at me. Salome kept on going. "Oh...you never asked Celia out?".

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