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After taking a shower and finishing to get ready, i looked at myself in the mirror. It didn't look like i was going to go to just hang out with my brother, no, it looked like i was dressed to go on a date with Toph......
I curled my hair and let it down, then i was wearing a long sleeved white shirt, denim jeans, and long brown leather stiletto boots, and i had a grey cashmere scarf around my neck. I looked beautiful, i actually liked how i looked.

Mills knocks on my door "Celia you ready?" I open the door "yeah let's go" i say, then something comes to mind "wait, I forgot my phone and some stuff to get done, meanwhile, why don't you go and turn the car on, I'll catch up" "okay" he says and leaves. I bite my bottom lip, and breathe in and breathe out, for some reason i feel like Toph is coming with us, and i don't even know why, i mean it's kinda one of those things you do subconsciously, i usually put on something more casual rather than classic when i go out with Mills, but i don't know, i really feel like Toph is gonna be there with us...... I clear my mind and grab my phone and.leave downstairs.

"Why did you take so long Celia?" "Sorry i was in the bathroom" "oh okay. He looks me over. "Celia, we are just going to a pizza place, not somewhere fancy" "i jusy couldn't pick something out, my casual clothes are all dirty" "that's a lame excuse, be honest did you invite Toph?" "No, but for some reason my subconscious says that he is gonna be there" "has happened to me. Anyway let's go".

We end up at this cool pizza place named "Pepperoni and cheese" and we had to wait until the waitress sat us at a table.
Then my heart dropped to the end of my stilettos. "M-m-mills can we just go to another pizza place?" "No, you wanted to come here" i breathe in and make up my mind. I'm not weak i am strong. I am strong enough like to go and confront him.
"Mills, could you wait for me at the table? I got some stuff to fix" he nodds and go over to Toph's table.
Toph's point of view
I was sitting with Monet, when i turned and saw her. Celia looked radiant and flawless, she was just perfect.....  I stand up and smile "Celia! What a pleasure to see you here" "same honey" she kisses my cheek and then Monet stands up. "You must be Toph's girlfriend! Well, hi i am Monet, i am Toph's cousin" stretches her hand and Celia immediately shakes it "it's a pleasure to meet you Monet, i am Celia" "same!. It would be rude not to know your name after everything Toph talks about you, good stuff don't you worry" Celia smiles, "aw, that is incredible, well, i would love to stay to talk more with you guys, but it's a brother and sister night, maybe another time?" She says "Absolutely!" Monet chirps, i say it's fine, then kiss her good bye. "She is beautiful" Monet says. I smile at that. "Of course she is" i say.
Celia's point of view
Whew! Turns out it's just his cousin, okay, i'm much more relieved now, and here i was making assumptions. "What was that all about?" Mills asks. I fill him in as we eat pizza and he laughs at it "that's funny" he says.
After we're done, we go to the movies, and then we go walk around the city.
"Mills, it's one in the morning, could we go home?" He nodds and we go back, relieved to find that the party is already over. We go upstairs and open Kristina's bedroom door. She is wasted and she's all messed up, her clothes have stains and rips, and her hair looks worse than bedhead, it looks like a nest of birds. "Looks like someone had a wild night" Mills whispers and i try so hard to keep my laughter to myself. We close the door, and then go to our rooms, then just sleep. I turn my light on, then i scream.
Mills comes rushing, and asks me if everything is okay, i show him the mess. "Whoah, what happened here?" "Thats what i'd like to know" i say.
My room was all messed up, everything was moved and messed up, not to mention my bed.....  I shiver in disgust just from thinking some couple i dont know had sex in my bed.....
"Mills, could you help me change the sheets?" He looks at the bed "yeah of course" he says.
We change the bed set and i thank him, kiss him goodnight and i finally go to bed.
"Wow, what a day" i tell myself, then i fall asleep.

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