Chapter Thirty-Three

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    Len's POV

    I couldn't find him...

   I ran all over the damn forest and beach looking for Kaito and I couldn't find him. Meiko started scolding the hell out of me when I finally came home. She made me shower, since I was covered in dirt, then made me sit in my room until Master got home...

   Miku was left at Sega. Her mental state had actually gotten worse after what's happened... I could hear half of Meiko and Kiyoteru's conversation downstairs. I laid against my sheets feeling my stomach and face get hot. I don't know why... but it was almost as if I could still feel Kaito's presence... as if he were laying right beside me, holding me close to his chest and keeping me warm. As if I could still hear him breathing soft breaths when he slept and whispering sweet nothings in my ears when I couldn't sleep...

   I sat up and something blue caught my eye. A blue sweater was hanging from my desk chair... Kaito had left it there one night when he was helping me write a new song... I reached over and grabbed it. I stared at the cloth in my hands then I hugged it, letting the soft fabric touch my cheek.

   "Kaito-Nii... why does it have to be this way...?"

   I heard my door open then close. Master walked up and sat on the bed beside me.

   "Len... Meiko says you ran out last night..."

   "What was I supposed to do?!" I snapped, "I... I hurt his feelings! He's out there probably malfunctioning and afraid, I had to do something...!"

   I hid my face in the sweater, my tears making wet spots. Kiyoteru put an arm around my shoulders and hugged me lightly.

   "Len, don't be upset... I'm not mad. Just tell me why you did it."

   I rubbed my eyes before speaking.

   "I... I feel like I still love him... b-but I don't know if I should...! I broke his heart... a-and after he proposed..."

   Kiyoteru hugged me tighter and rubbed my shoulders.

    "Don't pressure yourself, Len... I'm sorry this happened... I'm sure Kaito will be ok. He couldn't have gone too far..."

   I only hugged the sweater tighter.

   "Can... you leave me alone for now...? I just need some time..." I said.

   "Alright, Len..." He stood brushing hair from my face, "Dinner will be ready soon. Please don't starve yourself."

   He got off my bed and left, shutting the door behind him. I snuggled against the sheets, laying my face on Kaito's sweater. The feeling of him holding me and whispering sweet nothings came back.

   A final tear fell down my cheek as I slowly fell asleep.


   TP's POV

   Akaito sat by his bed watching his brother sleep.

   Kaito's face was red. He kept making faces in his sleep and whimpering lightly. Akaito had checked his temperature earlier and he had in fact caught a cold. Akaito immediately put his brother in bed and let him rest. He felt his forehead again just to find he was still warm. Akaito stood and kissed Kaito's forehead.

   "Please get well soon, alright...?"

   He went out into the hall, then heard his phone go off. As soon as he took it out a voicemail played.

   'Akaito, it's Meiko. Your brother went missing last night. We know you two were behind all the murders. If you find him bring him to us. Something still needs to be done. And if you even THINK of running away, I will hunt you down and shove a chainsaw sTRAIGHT UP YOUR—'

   He deleted the voicemail while sucking air through his teeth.

   "Well damn... how did it all go to this..."

   Akaito let out a sigh and dragged a hand down his face. He got his laptop and sat back on the couch, staring to open up the programs for Kaito's software and systems.

   "Might as well try to clean my mess..."

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