You did WHAT? To My Child!?!

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Bill got off Mabel and stood next to the bed. He held Mabels hand then frowned "Um...sorry to ruin this moment...but our child...wasn't breathing..." Bill said. Mabel gasped and jolted up to hug Bill. He rubbed her back as they hugged.

"Excuse you two!" The nurse shouted. "Your child didn't make it..." she said in a snotty tone. Bill looked at how sad Mabel was then used his demonic powers to make her fly into a different room and hit a wall. Bill kissed Mabels forehead then walked to where there 2nd child was.

Bill picked the lifeless baby up...a baby girl..Bill held her close to him sadly. The nurse stood back up and walked over to Bill. "I know how to cheer you up..." she said trying to be flirty. (There was a long cut mark on the baby's throat)

Bill noticed the long cut and looked at the nurse. "Did you hurt my daughter..." Bill asked angrily. "I can cheer you up..." the nurse repeated. Bill grew madder. "DID YOU HURT MY DAUGHTER!!!???" He shouted as his tux turned red along with his hair.

Mabel came limping into the room when she heard Bill shouting. Bill looked over at how much pain his lively Shooting Star was in. "Sit down Babe..." he said as he used his powers to give her a chair. Mabel sat in it.

"Now answer me...Did you hurt my baby girl?" Bill asked. The nurse grabbed Bills free hand. He tugged his hand away and growled. "ANSWER MY QUESTION YOU THREE DIMENSIONAL BEING!" Bill shouted. Mabel whispered "if i were you i'd answer his question..."

"Fine, i did! I wanted you for myself because your hot,and she's not!" The nurse said. Mabels eyes flooded with tears. She was in pain. Bill turned around and saw all the pain in her poor eyes. "Shh Babygirl..." he whispered to her as he quickly turned his head back around at the nurse.

He began levitating and turning red again. "You hurt my child..." Bill said. The nurse nodded "You child!" He said again. "YOU KILLED MY BABY GIRL!!" He yelled loudly and he shot the nurse back against a wall with his mind.

The nurse ran and grabbed the knife she used on the baby and brought it to Mabels neck. Mabel looked at the knife and cried harder. Bill's heart pounded harder and faster in his chest as he saw his Shooting Star being threatened with a knife.

He stopped levitating and ran to the nurse, grabbed her and flung her away from his lady. The nurse jolted and cut Mabel's neck. Bill was panting and looking away from Mabel.

He turned around and saw the blood on her. He gasped again and ran over to her and put a hand on the cut and another hand on her back. He looked at his hand that was on her wound. It was covered in blood. "Oh Shooting Star! I'm Sorry! I'm So So Sorry!!" Bill rushed. Mabel fell out of the chair. Bill held her close. "B-Bill... It's n-not...y-your fault..." she coughed out.

Bill held her wound and touched his head to hers "Shh my little Star..." he said sadly as the nurse stared at them laughing.

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