To Much Wine?

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*5 minutes later*

"I love you Shooting Star..." Bill said still tipsy to Mabel. (They were cuddling) Mabel smiled "I Love you to my lil dream demon..."

Mabel sat up and looked around for Dipper or Pacifica. "Lay back down..." Bill said wanting to snuggle. Mabel laughed and laid down beside him. He wrapped his arm around her neck to pull her closer, but not to tight.

Dipper walked in and saw them cuddling which put a smile on his face "Aw, those two are adorable aren't they..." He asked Pacifica. She giggled then nodded "indeed they are..."

"I still don't see why my Great niece married a demon!" Stan said as he looked at Bill and Mabel. Dipper looked over at him "Because of love Grunkle Stan, i know you've been in love..." Pacifica smiled and looked at Dipper.

"But he's still the guy that tried to kill us all!" Stan announced.

"Yes, but look at them, that blonde man loves her more then any man has loved her before, and she loves him almost as much as she loves me, and that's a lot!" Dipper said slightly smiling.

"I doesn't make sense to me is all..." Stan said as he looked back over at the snuggling couple. "Well...i mean it is kind of cute..."

Stan picked up a bell off of the counter and rang it. Bill heard it and kissed Mabel's forehead. Mabel smiled.

Pacifica laughed "nuhuh, that's a bell Bill...." she said, Bill smiled and locked lips with Mabel.

Stan (the one who rang the bell) looked away thinking it was a tad weird. "What's wrong Grunkle Stan?" Dipper asked slightly laughing. "Okay, cuddling with a demon is cute, but kissing one is on a whole new level!" Dipper smiled "But you rang the bell!"
"I know i did, but i didn't think it would be so cute and different!"

Bill pulled Mabel closer. She wrapped her arm around him and dug her head into his tux collar.

Dipper looked at Bill "he still looks drunk..."

"That's cuz he is..." Pacifica replied.

Mabel mumbled to Dipper and Pacifica "He's more fluffy romantic and flirty when he's drunk..."

"Is that a good thing?" Dipper asked Mabel.

"'s adorable.." she replied. Bill smiled at her response. "I-I a-am always r-romantic y-you just gotta k-know what b-buttons to push..." Bill said tipsy like.

"Oh Cipher...i know how to push those buttons!" Mabel laughed.

"Your C-Cipher t-to now.." he said.

"Yes i am...and im happy to say that..." Mabel said pressing her lips softly against his.

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