Month 8

295 11 3

Mabel was leaning against a table panting heavily in and out as she held her stomach.

"BILL!" She yelled. Bill came rushing into the room "What Star!?! Is something wrong!?" Bill asked as he ran over to her and put a hand on her back.

"H-hospital..." she managed to say. Bill grabbed her hand and teleported them both to the ER.

"Hey Hey You!!" Bill shouted at a nurse. She rushed over and took Mabel into the delivery room and quickly gave her some medicine.

Bill rushed in with them and grabbed Mabels hand. Mabel squeezed his hand more then tightly. "Bill!! I wasn't due till next month!!" Mabel yelled in pain. Bill held her hand so she could grip harder. "I know Baby, but this is happening now, so focus and grip my hand as hard as you need to! Got it Shooting Star?" He said rushing his words out.

"Alright Mabel, and out... push though..." the nurse said. She looked at Bill. "Make sure she breaths in and out, got it?!" She told him. Bill nodded as his hand started to turn red from Mabel holding it so tightly.

*5 minutes of pushing*

"B-Bill! I don't know i-if i can pull t-through with t-this!" She panted out. Bill looked over at her "Your so close! Don't give up now Babygirl! Just breath and push..." he said as he rubbed her hand with his thumb.

"O-Okay...I trust y-you..." Mabel said as she pushed again. She heard a baby cry and leaned back in relief. Bill started crying again then looked down at Mabel who had her eyes closed in pain and relief. "You did it star..." Bill said.

The nurse rushed back in and blurted out "push more! Your having twins!" She had a worried tone. Mabel was confused and sweating. She looked up at Bill who looked confused also. "Twins!?!" Bill and Mabel say at the same time.

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