Chapter 9: The Dream

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Chapter 9-The Dream

            Midnight, I had fallen asleep to the sounds of passing cars and honking trucks. The ticking of my grandfather clock ticked away, soon blending in with the silence in the room. A slight vision of Rose smiling, like the vision I had before, but more was added to it.

            She wore a flowered spagghetti strap dress with her hair down, short stopping at her bare shoulders. She walked away laughing, her hair swaying with each step she took. She looked about four, but seeing myself in a reflection in a puddle of water, i looked about six, but a bruise swarmed the lft side of my face.

            "Madeline, c'mon," Rose called for me. My eyes diverted to look at her, standing beside a tall woman. "We're going to be late to the party!"

            The woman made me cry, causing me too weep silently with a swollan face as I walked towaeds them. Suddenly, I woke up from the dream, with real tears streaming down my cheeks. The dream had felt so real. The left side of my face had actually hurt for the first time for some reason.

            I lightly placed my fingertips on my left cheek, but jerked it away from the stinging sensation.

            "What the hell is wrong with me?" I whispered to myself.

            Making me jump, my pager buzzed on the nightstand. I grabbed it after wiping my eyes, and read the message. It was from Dylan.

            Rose is up to something, she called me a few minutes ago and is heading over here. She thinks you're spending the night. Can you head over here?

            I sighed, paging him back saying I would, but it's going to cost him extra. I grabbed my black trentch coat and knee-high boots. After packing my essentials, I left my apartment after looking it up. Quietly heading down the stairs, my mind couldn't help but think about the dream I had. My face felt a little swollan, but my hands shook as I shoved the key into the ignition and turning on the vehical.

            I was only a few minutes away from Dylan's home, but I took the long way, costing me eight minutes, but as I got out of the car, Rose walked up to the house.

            "Oh Heather, I thought you were spending the night?" She asked, walking up to the door. I opened it without Dylan's knowing and had my voice roar through the house so he could hear.

            "Well, I forgot to grab some batteries from the store for my pager."

            Rose believed me in an instant as Dylan came out of the bathroom in a blue robe.

            "Ah, Heather, Rose, did you too meet at the store?" he asked.

            "No, we just saw each other as she pulled up." Rose answered, setting her purse by the door. Dylan too my purse, and without Rose seeing, slipped it under the couch. She left to the bathroom as he spoke.

            "Sorry about this."

            "You oh me extra." I smirked.

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