Chapter 1-Fake

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"Madeline, tonight at ten, when the moon is up, a party will start on hoover street in the large mansion of 46854. Goham has gaurds all over the place, making sure his party isnt interrupted. You know what to do." the grizzly voice spoke through the phone.

"Of course I know. I'll wear a disguis and get his attention, once we're alone, the trigger is pulled." I sat in the recliner, in front of the window as the sun set. My boss called me for another mission tonight. This pay would be $1000. Since this man was known to be a good dealer, but a great murderer. I always agree with my boss of who i have to kill.

"Good. Once you get back from your job, your payment will lie on your bed. Don't use it on yourself for selfish reasons." he said.

"I promis i wont."

The phone flipped close, letting my hand finally fall on the arm chair, dropping the electric object on the end table. My legs grew sore with all this walking in my heals. I've had to disguis for parties for the past week, but you cant really complain when you get a good payment every night other night.

I stood up and walked to my bedroom. Quickly, picked out a black, slit dress with one arm strap. Then, my black corset heels to match. When i put these on, i placed my brunette hair in a messy, but good looking bun. Of course i keep my gun on my covered thigh. No one notices especially when i wear black.

The time on my watch was already eight. I had two hours to get there. Grabbing my keys and cell off of the nightstand in the living room, i left the apartments, unoticed. Well, at least until my downstairs neighbor called out to me.

"Hello Jamie, going out again?" i gave her a fake name, just in case i was ever caught.

"Yeah, my husband always has these celebrations to tend too, and of course im the main theme of it." i laughed at my lie. I was never married, and never thought of ever even finding a real boyfriend for the job i have.

"Oh, well arent you the entertainer." she giggled with. "Well i guess i'll see you tomorrow. I hope to grab a cup of coffee with you sometime."

"I might have some plans soon. Well byebye." i walked down the rest of the stairs, placing my sunglasses on as i left the building. Walking towards my black charger, i pressed the unlock button to get in. As i got myself comfortable, turning on my car and radio. I smiled, driving down the street, to my destination; Hoover street.

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