Chapter 3-Dead Inside

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Chapter 3-Dead Inside

    I sat down on the bed with my legs crossed. My dress hid my gun perfectly as I pulled out my make-up kit from my black purse that I had beside me. Inside wasn’t any real make-up. But, inside a cover up, was an electric device that transmit sound, making it able for me to call anyone close by. I knew my boss would be watching or waiting for me to get done, but I had to tell him how far I was on my mission.

    Pressing the green button, it immediately and quietly called his device. On the other line, his musky voice answered that only I can hear.

    “Yes Madeline?”

    “I have him in private in one of the upstairs bedrooms, most likely his. He is very clean, but can be very seductive around any woman he meets.” I answered in a whisper.

    “So then you know exactly what time to finish it?” he asked.

    “Yes, when they begin announcing the king and everyone begins to clap, that is when it’s done.” I answered. When the people clap, the noise will drown out the sound of my gun. Even though it is silenced, some may still hear it. Not even his body guards who are waiting outside of the room would hear it.

    “Very well then. When you finish, meet me on seventh street and I’ll give you some information. About your next mission.” After he finished speaking, the noise shut off, along with the lights on the buttons. I shut it quickly when Goham came in the room, putting the kit in my purse.

    “Have you been waiting long?” he asked, walking slowly towards me. I smiled a fake smile, leaning back a bit on the bed.

    “No, I was just doing a touch up while you were in there.”

    “Good, so then, how would you like the night to end?” he asked, his face slowly easing in on mine. I began to hear a noise outside, the sound of announcements.

    “Alright, now to finish off the night with something you’ve all been waiting for…” a woman said into a microphone. Then I knew I had to pull out my gun quickly. As I reached up my leg for the handle of the weapon, I answered.

    “Perhaps we can end it quickly, with something fun…” I said, pulling out the gun. Pointing it at the side of the head, I pulled the trigger as everyone downstairs clapped and cheered. Some blood spilled onto my face as the empty body fell onto me. I slowly picked him up, placing him under the covers to make it look like he was sleeping. After that, I cleansed my face in the bathroom with some water, drying it off with my towel. The blood on the floor hadn’t mattered, since you could barely see any. My gun didn’t really make a mess, which was one of my favorite characteristics about it. I smiled when I looked back at the door. No one heard.

    I opened the window, using two handkerchiefs, and jumped out. I landed on the ground with a kneel, and dropped the one handkerchief that touched the window, on the ground. I kept the one that my hand touched, putting it into my purse.

    Before anyone could see me outside of one of the windows, I ran for the exit towards the parking lot. Finding my car, I got in, turning it on. Outside of the doors, I saw the too body guards running towards me.

    “I guess my trick didn’t work this time.” I said to myself, speeding off.

    That’s when I knew. Mission complete.

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