Chapter 14-Personal

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Chapter 14-Personal

I began to eat my omelet as we sat in the small diner. Dylan didn't order anything, but instead rest his elbow on the table while his chin rested on his hand, staring at me with a smirk on his lips. I had to force the food down my throat while the uncomfortable feelings creeped up my back.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I finally asked, feeling irritated.

"I think I know why you gave away your position while spying on me." he answered, smiling even more. I took another bite.

"What do you mean?"

"I think you got jealous of that girl."

My face grew hot as I nearly choked on the bite I was chewing. "Jealous? Me?! Why in the hell would I be jealous of that girl? I just thought it would be best to tell her the truth. Like I said, if Rose were to have caught you with her, she would start suspecting, and we don't want that."

"Aw, I know, but you know, I think there was a hint of jealousy in there. In that dark, dark heart of yours, you have a small feeling for me, don't you?" he lifted his head, showing his teeth now with his shitty grin. I nearly choked on my tea this time, almost spitting it out in the process, but I was able to force it down.

"I think you do have a mind of a dog. If anything, you have a small feeling for me. But then again, I highly doubt that. You like the girls who are innocent and cute." I leaned in closer, giving him an evil smirk as I spoke.

"I'm also curious about something else though." he sighed, sitting back in his seat. I sat back as well, finishing my omelet as he spoke. "I mean, I don't think I've ever seen you or heard of you ever dating someone that wasn't your target. Hell, I still think you are a virgin."

My cheeks were noticeably red now as I slapped my hands down on the table. "It doesn't matter if I'm still a virgin or not!" I spoke loudly.

"Alright, just keep your voice down." he said quietly, trying to calm me.

"Besides," I looked away, holding my cup of tea in my hand. "I don't have time for a close relationship. It just isn't my thing I guess. Even if I were to have time, I don't have the qualities that any guy would want." I sighed, taking a sip.

"What do you mean by that? You have a sexy body, you got nice tits, and you got the lips that any guy would want to kiss." he said, but with saying this, his face grew a little red as well; I noticed.

"No, I don't mean by my body. I know I have a good body, but I don't want a guy to like me for my looks."

"Eh? So then you want someone who likes you for your personality?"

"Exactly; but that would never happen." I smiled finally as I spoke. "I love my work too much; the killing, I mean. Plus, I'm not the romantic type. I'm not shy, or cute, or innocent."

"You could say that again. You're like a demon to me."

"Ehh, you want to say that again to me?" I glared up at him, growing a little irritated.

"I was just agreeing with you. But let me tell you something," We stood up after placing the money on the table and began to walk out to my car. While on the way here, he told me be put his car in shop for some improvements. "There are people out in the world that like a woman like you."

I blinked a couple of times, confused by these words. He seemed to be looking away with his hands in his pockets while waiting for me to unlock the door. "Oh, so you think that I will actually find a guy before I turn forty then?" I joked. As we sat, we both ended up laughing, as if it was the funniest thing we have ever heard. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard though, it was nice.

Dylan's pager went off suddenly as I started the engine. After looking at it, he sighed and said: "The boss wants you to stay at my place again tonight. He thinks it would be safe to stay together. He got some intel and can't find Rose anywhere."

"I see; then let me at least go to my apartment to grab some things before we head to your place." I said. He nodded in agreement, and we headed off. It took a while to get to my apartment, but it seemed to have already gotten dark. The day went by so fast, it was unexpected.

I parked the car outside of the apartment complex and got out.

"Wait here, I shouldn't take long." I said. He nodded and I was off, going up the stairs. The apartments were always so silent, but tonight, they felt lonely, almost. It was a chilling feeling and it made me feel uneasy. I quickly put my pin in and unlocked my door. It took a few minutes to grab another bag of clothes and another gun; just in case.

I shut the door, and placed my pin back in to lock the door securely. Suddenly, there was a flash of light, with my body hitting the wall on the other side of the hall. The temperature began to rise quickly with wood pieces and debree flying everywhere. A large fire began to soar through the floor as I lied on my stomach.

"A bomb?" I coughed, struggling to get onto my knees. Smoke quickly began to fill the air, making it hard to breath.

"Aww, and I thought I you would die from the explosion." a familiar voice cooed. I turned quickly to see Rose, standing over me as she had her hands on her hips.

"Rose," I growled, quickly reaching for my pistol that was hidden in my jacket, but she pulled hers out at the same speed and we stood there, aiming at one another. "You really are my enemy."

"And so are you, Madeline." she smirked.

"How did you-?"

"My boss gave me some detail as to who you were. You are my target, Madeline, while I am yours. It wasn't easy though, to get into your apartment. I had to hack into Dylan's laptop to be able to get the pin and to find all the traps that you had. That wasn't easy either.

"Why did you need to get into my apartment?" I asked, trying to breath slowly to conserve my oxygen.

"I needed to get some paperwork that my boss wanted. Unfortunately, I couldn't get all that I needed; not at your place, and definitely not at Dylan's. It was also convenient to place the bomb as well."

In the distance, sirens were getting closer. I struggled, trying to get onto my knees, but then a pain struck me in my ankle and I yelped.

"Of course, it wouldn't be fun if you just immediately died here. I want to play with you, and see how you really are. I'll take my leave now," she walked over to me, kicking the gun out of my hand and thrusting the butt end of her pistol onto my head. My head grew dizzy quickly while warm liquid dripped down my cheek. "The next time we see each other, I want to see who will be the cat and mouse. See you later, Madeline." Rose walked away now, off into a different direction, hidden in the smoke. I tried my best to get to my feet, but it was hard to walk with a sprained ankle.

"Madeline!" A voice called. Running up the stairs was Dylan. He quickly ran over to me and grabbed my arms. "Are you alright, Madeline?" he asked, worry in his voice. I could barely see with my blurry vision.

"I'm fine, we have to get out of here. The floor above us is caving in." I coughed, watching as some wood from above began to fall. He forced my arm around my neck, but upon taking a step, I lost my footing and nearly fell. He held me in his arms and before I knew it, everything went black.

"Shh" HOLD/EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now