Chapter 23

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"LET ME IN THERE!!" I yelled in tears.

They tried to clam me down but that didn't work so a nurse came up to me and gave me a shot I went into a deep sleep.

*End of Recap*


Jc's Pov

I woke up in a hospital bed. It's only been one/two days and I'm back in a hospital, what happened?

I sat up from the bed and looked around the room it was dark but sunlight was coming in threw the large window next to me.

Then the memories came flooding back.

Mel. I got up from the bed. Wearing a hospital gown that exposed my four leaf clover boxers, walked out the room and looked for a nurse.

"Excuse me miss."

She didn't turn around

"Excuse me miss" I said a bit louder

Still no response


She turned around with a shocked expression on her face. I ignored it.

"I'm looking for Melissa Parks"

"Your wearing a hospital gown... I don't think you should be out your bed" she ignored me.

"I said I'm looking for Melissa Parks, where is she I need to see her!" I got a bit more frustrated.

"Your going to have to go back to your room until a doctor comes and talks with you sir"

I walked away from her and went into my room looking for my clothes. Found my navy blue shirt, now where are my grey sweats? I asked myself. "I'm always losing my pants" I whispered to myself looking around for my pants. Just then a man walked in.

I had no pants on. Awkward...

"Umm Good morning Mr.Castillo. You have no pants on..." the doctor said looking at me but refusing to look down.

"I am aware of this, have you seen my pants?"

He looked around the room then stopped when he found a small cabinet.

"They should be in there Mr.Castillo"

"Thanks... do you mind-"

He cut me off

"I'll give you some privacy"

He walked out leaving me alone.

I grabbed the sweat pants from the cabinet and put them on. I found my phone inside the pocket of my sweat pants and went on twitter

@Caylentine: What happened to her?

@O4L4Life: #PrayForThatBitchMelToDie. Jc is mine

I got upset and decided to tweet her back

From @Jccaylen to @O4L4Life: please don't talk about Mel like that I love her and she makes me happy if you were a real fan you would want me to be happy


The doctor walked in. I locked my phone and put it back in my pocket

"So do you remember what happened last night?" the doctor asked

"No" I lied

"Well we had to give you a shot to calm you down because you wanted to-"

I cut him off "See Mel. Where is she?!?"

"Well she's in surgery... we are stitching the deep cut that she has on her chest. The cut is really close to her heart Mr. Castillo... She might not make it"

I felt tears start to form in my eyes.

"W-w-what do y-you mean she might n-not make it" I stuttered letting a tear roll down my right cheek.

"I'm sorry Mr.Castillo, you'll be able to see her in a few hours after surgery and as soon as she gets her rest."

"NO I NEED TO SEE HER NOW" I practically screamed.

"Mr. Castillo please calm down. You'll be able to see her... hopefully" he mumbled the last part.

"As I said before she might not make it"

I sat down on the hospital bed putting my hands in face, by now I was crying and I couldn't stop.

I might lose the person I care for

The person I can laugh with

The person that can make me happy

The person I love...



Short chapter sorry, blame school I need to keep me grades up ya know ;) cause I'm trying to go to playlist live

#PrayForMel to go to playlist live haha :)

But anyways What do you think is going to happen to Mel?

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Thanks for taking the time to read my fanfic :) -Melissa

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