Chapter 21

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Jc's Pov

Today's the day I get out... bout damn time. I almost forgot the reason I was actually in here for two weeks, oh yeah my suicide attempt...

I don't think like that anymore... I try not to.

"Okay Mr.Castillo you're all good to leave, you can pick up you're things at the front desk.

I got up from that old white UNCOMFORTABLE bed put on the clothes the nurse handed me (the ones I came here with) and walked out the door to pick up my phone, keys, and wallet.

I can't wait to see what outside feels like again. You'd be surprised what 2 weeks does to you inside a... Hospital.

I finally got to the front desk to pick up my things.

"Justin Castillo" I told the lady at the front desk. Her teeth were yellow and her breathe smelt like someone died

"Here you go" she smiled.

I smiled back and grabbed my belongings and headed to my car that Mel dropped off here for me. I didn't know where she parked it so I texted her

To Mel: Hey Mel finally got out 🙌. where'd you park my car?

It took her a few minutes to reply.

From Mel: next to the big maple tree, you can't miss it. can't wait to see you when this whole thing is over with Evan. You still down with the idea?

Found my car.

I got in and texted Mel back a couple minutes later.

To Mel: of course anything to keep you safe. love you 😘

From Mel: love you too. so when we doing this

To Mel: Not today I'm to tired I'm going to my grandmas house. tomorrow we'll do this.

From Mel: sounds good bye babe

To Mel: bye my beautiful princess

I began driving to my grandmas house once I was done texting Mel.

*** At grandmas house ***

" I missed you so much como estas (how are you)" My grandma said while opening the door.

I gave her a big long hug

"I've been better. I missed you so much grandma"

"I made you some rice and beans come sit"

"I missed you're cooking" I said while sitting down at the dinner table.

She smiled

After I was done eating that mouth watering food i thanked my grandma and I went to the 'guest room' the guest room was really my room I was the only one that actually slept in their most of my stuff when I was 16 is still in their.

I laid down on my bed. Oh how I missed laying down on a comfortable non creaky bed.

I didn't want to scroll threw twitter or anything so I just closed my eyes and went to sleep.


"Don't do it don't kill him" a female said it looked like Mel and the man about to get killed looked like Me

The killer looked like Evan he had a knife. He tried to kill 'me' but Mel jumped in front of him and he killed Mel instead.

***End of dream***

The dream felt real too real.


A/N Short chapter sorry but

literally at the movies while I wrote this lol. These previews take 5 hours haha.

Anyways hope y'all enjoyed comment what you think is going to happen between Evan, Jc and Mel :)

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Thanks for taking the time to read my fanfic -Melissa

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