Chapter 14

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Mel's Pov

It's been 2 weeks since Jc left he won't return my phone calls. He won't reply to my texts. Nothing.

I haven't gotten out of my room in 2 weeks. I haven't ate. I only left my room to use the bathroom.

My grandma gotten back from her little visit from my parents rehab facility. I told her to spare the details.

I haven't talked to anyone in days not even my grandma. I heard her talk to Jc's mom so she understood what I was going threw, but she didn't understand the pain that I felt. I went from this suicidal freak to happy young adult living life to a depressed young adult.
I started cutting again except this time it wasn't because I was ugly it wasn't because I was stupid.

It was because I lost the person I love. I lost my sunshine and I can't do anything about it or... maybe I can

I got out my room ran downstairs and asked my grandma if I can get a flight to Houston Texas

"I don't know honey. We're tight on money"

"Please grandma please"

"Sorry honey we can't afford it. Your going to have to get a job and raise the money yourself"

And that's exactly what I did.


After 1 month I finally raised up enough money to visit Jc. Something really bad must've happened if he hasn't been in California in over a month he hasn't posted any videos he hasn't been on twitter. Nothing. He's M.I.A (missing in action)

I went over to Jc's mom house and she opened the door. I could tell she was surprised with the expression she had on her face.

"Hello Ms.Castillo"

"Hey Mel"

You could hear how tired she was in her voice. But she didn't show how depressed she was it was bad to have around Joe Felix and Jailyn

Joe Felix and Jailyn had a strong bond with their brother and he just left

They are probably so depressed

"I came here to tell you that uh- I'm going to visit Texas to find Jc"

"Mel... that's a bad a idea a really really bad idea"

"What why?!?" I was frustrated and angry

"Jc he's-" she stopped talking for a second

"He's what Ms. Castillo?!?" I snapped

"He went to a psych ward Mel, he tried to kill himself"

Just then I felt my heart stop it was as if the world was spinning but nothing was moving

I walked off Jc's porch not saying bye I went home packed my things and went to the airport

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