Chapter 5

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Mel's Pov

I woke up on Jc's lap. I got up turned off the tv and headed towards the kitchen to make Jc some breakfast.

Just then. I heard foot steps come from behind me and hands grab my waist

"Watcha cookin" Jc said with his raspy voice sending chills down my back

"Food" I said in a duh tone

He laughed and sat on the chair that was next to the counter table

"Here's a better question, why are you cooking?"

"I thought I'd apologize for making you sleep like that, you looked uncomfortable" I smiled and returned to cooking bacon

"I slept fine Mel... especiallywithyou" he mumbled the last part in a quiet tone.


"Nothing, now keep cooking I'm hungry" he chuckled

"Excuse me" I gasped dramatically and turned off the stove taking the bacon and placing it next to the pancakes and eggs and putting it on the table in front of Jc.

He started eating

"This is so good, where did you learn to cook like this" he asked not taking his eyes off the plate

"My... my mom taught me"

"Where is your mom I've never seen her around"

"She went away"

"Im so sorry Mel. I-" he was left speechless

My eyes started to water remembering that I lost both my parents to drugs

Jc walked up to me and hugged me tightly I rested my head on his chest and a he rested his head on top of my head.

"It'll get better Mel, trust me"

I smiled and he loosened his grip

"Thanks Jc" I smiled

"I should get going I forgot to text my mom that I spent the night here my mom is probably freaking out" he said as he placed his plate in the sink

"Yeah your probably right" I didn't want him to leave I liked how he made me feel. I liked the feeling I get when I'm around him.

"He grabbed his phone and waved to me as he walked threw the door.

Way to go Mel you chased off another person. What else is new.

Jc's Pov

She probably thinks I ran off because she started crying. I'm so stupid. I liked spending time with her but not calling her mine drives me insane.

I walked in my house and saw my mom cooking breakfast

"Where were you Justin?!?"

"I was at the neighbors house she invited me over and we accidentally fell asleep watching movies"

"She?" she smirked

"Yes mother she" I made my way upstairs when my mother stopped me

"Justin don't you want to eat"

"No thanks mom I just did"

"So she cooks ehh I like her"

I shook my head and made my way upstairs.

It was Saturday so I filmed a vlog

"Hey what's up clouds I just came back from a friends house it was really fun she's really cool y'all have to meet her... I might even have a crush" I said the last part in a quieter tone.

I shut the camera off and uploaded it to YouTube.

Mel's Pov

I finished cleaning up the plates I went upstairs walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. when I was done with my shower I walked out and headed into my room and went in my closet looking for something to wear

I found a tank top with a cross on it and put on some regular jeans and put on my white converse.

It was only 10am so that left me with 5 hours until Andrea gets here to go shopping.

I decided to walk to Starbucks and get some coffee. I walked in ordered my drink.

Then a familiar man walked in. Evan. he was my ex he tried to use me for sex but when I wouldn't let him he would abuse me. I'm still a virgin.

I tried to cover my face. he laughed at my attempt and walked up from behind me grabbing my butt.

"Don't touch me" I glared at him and pushed him away

He grabbed my wrist hard enough for it to throb

"Don't you ever push me like that. you're still mine" he said still holding my wrist

"I'm not anyone now let go of me" I said trying to release from his hand from my wrist

"We'll see about that" he let go of my wrist grabbed his drink and walked out with a smirk.

I looked at my wrist and saw that it was red.

The Starbucks worker called my name and I walked out with my drink heading towards my house

It was already 2pm and Andrea texted me.

A: Hey girl :) is it okay if I bring a couple of friends I want you to meet

M: Yeah totally haha

A: K cool see ya in an hour butt head

M: ouch my heart</3

A: lol drama queen

M: at its best 💁

I wonder who she's gonna bring. I went inside my house and sat down on the couch turned on the T.V. and watched Spongebob.

I heard my phone go off it was a text from Andrea telling me she was outside.

I turned off the t.v. grabbed my purse, wallet, and phone and walked out the door.

I saw 5 guys in the car.

I walked in and got greeted

"Mel meet Sam, Ricky, Connor, Kian my boyfriend and Trevor"

"Woah Andrea you didn't tell me she was beautiful" I heard Sam say

I blushed and sat in the passenger seat

"Oh shut up Sam" I heard Andrea say

I giggled

"So what are we waiting for" I said trying to break the silence

"Jc" Andrea said looking out the window

... Jc's coming... it shouldn't be a problem I guess.

"Hey what's up guys Jc came out his house and headed toward the door he saw me and smiled.

"What took you so damn long" Kian said while rolling his eyes

"I was editing my video bitch" Jc said as he sat next to Sam

"Jc this is Mel-" Jc stopped Andrea and said I know

"We've meet already" I giggled

"Well excuse me"

Andrea started the car and headed towards the mall.

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